Saturday, January 17, 2009

IRC logs - Code sprint EUROPE day 2: 7.30-22.00

[2009-01-17 07:30:58] moovida: very glad to see you here mauricio !
[2009-01-17 07:31:05] mauricio: hello
[2009-01-17 07:31:14] moovida: good morning
[2009-01-17 08:11:16] moovida: mauricio: you didn't commit your fixes to svn right?
[2009-01-17 08:11:28] mauricio: no
[2009-01-17 08:11:38] mauricio: I add the patch
[2009-01-17 08:11:42] mauricio: only
[2009-01-17 08:11:48] moovida: ok
[2009-01-17 08:11:56] mauricio: then ... can I commit
[2009-01-17 08:11:58] mauricio: ?
[2009-01-17 08:12:08] moovida: I am committing and testing Emilys fixes
[2009-01-17 08:12:21] moovida: I would like to make a plugin export for everything up to now
[2009-01-17 08:12:34] moovida: so a user canjust download in one place and try iy out
[2009-01-17 08:12:40] moovida: what do you think?
[2009-01-17 08:12:50] mauricio: good
[2009-01-17 08:12:54] mauricio: better
[2009-01-17 08:13:20] mauricio: You can catch our fix from refraction ...
[2009-01-17 08:13:41] moovida: aha, you have also the patch there
[2009-01-17 08:13:42] mauricio: or
[2009-01-17 08:13:57] moovida: or?
[2009-01-17 08:13:58] mauricio: I could commit the fix
[2009-01-17 08:14:07] moovida: yes, that would be best I think
[2009-01-17 08:14:09] mauricio: then you can do the build
[2009-01-17 08:14:13] moovida: just commit
[2009-01-17 08:14:17] mauricio: ok
[2009-01-17 08:14:19] moovida: ok, and we will ask Silvia to test
[2009-01-17 08:14:22] mauricio: I will commit
[2009-01-17 08:14:26] moovida: she should be online soon
[2009-01-17 08:14:30] moovida: yep
[2009-01-17 08:14:38] mauricio: good
[2009-01-17 08:17:57] CIA-16: UDig: 03aantonello * r31056 10udig/plugins/net.refractions.udig.project/src/net/refractions/udig/project/internal/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Emilys fixes for code sprint issues 33 (problems rendering shapefile labels) and 34 (unable to load map)
[2009-01-17 08:24:12] CIA-16: UDig: 03mauricio.pazos * r31057 10udig/plugins/ code sprint - issue (24) edit tool does not change the feature's geometry
[2009-01-17 08:42:53] moovida: mauricio: if I just export all the udig plugins as jars, will that work?
[2009-01-17 08:43:14] moovida: or have some of them to be folder?
[2009-01-17 08:43:50] mauricio: I think if you export jar
[2009-01-17 08:44:25] mauricio: it work
[2009-01-17 08:45:22] moovida: ok, then I try that
[2009-01-17 08:45:28] moovida: and see what happens
[2009-01-17 08:50:42] jgarnett1: hello!
[2009-01-17 08:50:52] jgarnett1: people
[2009-01-17 08:50:54] jgarnett1: I have been lonely since emily left
[2009-01-17 08:50:56] mauricio: hello
[2009-01-17 08:51:03] jgarnett1: I just got back from a nice walk.
[2009-01-17 08:51:27] jgarnett1: Emily and I fixed a problem with styles; and I was going to work on how map graphics interact with labels
[2009-01-17 08:51:36] moovida: Ciao Jody!
[2009-01-17 08:51:43] moovida: I have been missing you :)
[2009-01-17 08:51:52] jgarnett1: (I am however a bit out of the loop on how things are being done ... it seems more bugs are fixed on that spreadsheet then are committed?)
[2009-01-17 08:52:03] jgarnett1: Hi moovida - I have been missing me
[2009-01-17 08:52:08] moovida: :D
[2009-01-17 08:52:16] jgarnett1: (I was sick most of the week and thus missing)
[2009-01-17 08:52:17] moovida: in fact only Emily didn't commit
[2009-01-17 08:52:26] moovida: and Jesse still needs to finish
[2009-01-17 08:52:35] moovida: so I tested and committed Emilys
[2009-01-17 08:52:51] moovida: and now am exporting the plugins for testers
[2009-01-17 08:53:18] =-= jgarnett1 has changed the topic to ``Code Sprint on now see''
[2009-01-17 08:53:41] jgarnett1: (it took me a while to figure out how that spreadsheet was being used)
[2009-01-17 08:54:04] jgarnett1: when you get a chance to run refresh.xml it will grab new geotools jars - which contains a couple fixes I made
[2009-01-17 08:55:56] moovida: great Jody
[2009-01-17 08:56:07] jgarnett1: I am working on number 19 now
[2009-01-17 08:56:34] jgarnett1: it seems some things are red; and othes green?
[2009-01-17 08:56:51] moovida: orange == untouched or in progress
[2009-01-17 08:57:03] moovida: red == tried to fix but need to discuss it
[2009-01-17 08:57:10] moovida: green == tested and fixed
[2009-01-17 08:57:19] jgarnett1: what about fixed but not tested?
[2009-01-17 08:57:30] moovida: orange and stroked
[2009-01-17 08:57:36] moovida: :D
[2009-01-17 08:58:37] jgarnett1: heh I needed the instructions
[2009-01-17 08:59:13] moovida: yes, I was smiling about the fact that probably those are not very professional software workflows
[2009-01-17 08:59:23] moovida: and what you are thinking :)
[2009-01-17 08:59:35] jgarnett1: For the things that are red; is there anything I can help get moving?
[2009-01-17 08:59:43] moovida: Jody, please yes
[2009-01-17 08:59:51] moovida: let's talk about them
[2009-01-17 08:59:54] jgarnett1: (I want to finish my work on 19 first ...)
[2009-01-17 08:59:55] jgarnett1: but perhaps I can help?
[2009-01-17 08:59:57] moovida: they are both mine :)
[2009-01-17 09:00:13] moovida: then ping me when you have time
[2009-01-17 09:00:16] moovida: or finished
[2009-01-17 09:00:32] moovida: we'll talk and in the meanwhile I pick another one
[2009-01-17 09:00:56] jgarnett1: 26 the shapefile export; I would personally start with a copy of uDig 1.1.x and check in a debugger what is different where ...
[2009-01-17 09:01:18] jgarnett1: ...not very helpful :-(
[2009-01-17 09:01:41] jgarnett1: 37 is kind of a fact of life
[2009-01-17 09:01:58] jgarnett1: we have more interesting code now then can be represented in WKT
[2009-01-17 09:02:28] moovida: 26, I did that, but things are very different there
[2009-01-17 09:02:30] jgarnett1: however it may be a mistake; let me try a quick test case in geotools
[2009-01-17 09:02:44] moovida: different classes were created in 1.2 to deal with that
[2009-01-17 09:02:46] jgarnett1: I see.
[2009-01-17 09:03:05] jgarnett1: for 26 I would check with Jesse then to see which code he intends to keep.
[2009-01-17 09:03:21] moovida: 37 is ok for me, but then I will put in trhere a nicer message and mark the projection as unsupported
[2009-01-17 09:03:37] moovida: yes, I think Jesse would solve that quickly
[2009-01-17 09:03:59] jgarnett1: thinking ... it is supported. It just cannot be represented as text as I understand it.
[2009-01-17 09:04:13] jgarnett1: can I confirm that "EPSG:6140641" is an example problem code?
[2009-01-17 09:04:58] moovida: Yes
[2009-01-17 09:05:04] moovida: fails for me
[2009-01-17 09:05:36] moovida: in fact NAD83(CSRS) 6140641
[2009-01-17 09:05:42] moovida: not sure if the epsg is the same
[2009-01-17 09:05:53] moovida: and my udig is refreshing geotools libs
[2009-01-17 09:07:23] jgarnett1: running junit test now; that makes the CoordinateReferenceSystem and then asks to to
[2009-01-17 09:07:26] jgarnett1: crs.toWKT()
[2009-01-17 09:07:53] jgarnett1: I could not find that code ...
[2009-01-17 09:08:07] moovida: I try to run udig
[2009-01-17 09:08:09] moovida: second
[2009-01-17 09:08:27] moovida: it seems to start
[2009-01-17 09:08:36] moovida: 1 second and I give you the exact code
[2009-01-17 09:09:56] moovida: a 3 is missing at the end
[2009-01-17 09:10:03] moovida: 61406413
[2009-01-17 09:10:11] moovida: that should be the code
[2009-01-17 09:10:40] moovida: but also 4359 do not work
[2009-01-17 09:10:53] moovida: I assume those with 3rd dimension do not work
[2009-01-17 09:11:23] moovida: nope, also 4955 doesn't
[2009-01-17 09:12:41] jgarnett1: so let us see
[2009-01-17 09:12:46] jgarnett1: here is the plan!
[2009-01-17 09:12:51] jgarnett1: 1. try to convert to wkt
[2009-01-17 09:13:07] jgarnett1: 2. if we fail call crs.toString(); and make the text editor not editable
[2009-01-17 09:13:13] jgarnett1: sound good?
[2009-01-17 09:13:35] jgarnett1: that way the user can get something; I just confirmed that for that code toWKT() fails; and toString() works
[2009-01-17 09:13:59] moovida: toString will generate the WKT properly you are saying?
[2009-01-17 09:14:44] jgarnett1: I am saying it will not
[2009-01-17 09:14:50] jgarnett1: but at least we can show the user something
[2009-01-17 09:14:59] jgarnett1: and by making the text editor not editable
[2009-01-17 09:15:15] jgarnett1: they will know they are just looking at a definition of it; rather than something they can edit.
[2009-01-17 09:15:41] moovida: Which is ok, but will the reprojection work?
[2009-01-17 09:15:41] jgarnett1: we could even have a warning at the top; this CoordinateReferenceSystem is too complix for the WKT format: ......
[2009-01-17 09:15:49] jgarnett1: yes it will work
[2009-01-17 09:15:59] moovida: ah, great, then it is perfect
[2009-01-17 09:16:05] moovida: good
[2009-01-17 09:16:07] jgarnett1: the problem is to do with the limitations of the WKT format; not with the projection
[2009-01-17 09:16:11] jgarnett1: yep you got it
[2009-01-17 09:16:23] moovida: great, then I dive into that one
[2009-01-17 09:16:37] moovida: thanks
[2009-01-17 09:18:02] moovida: I published the plugins with the fixes up til now
[2009-01-17 09:18:14] moovida: don't think any user is online yet
[2009-01-17 09:18:23] jgarnett1: question about this spreadsheet; does it show changes from everyone all the time?
[2009-01-17 09:18:23] moovida: ]Silvia will be here soon
[2009-01-17 09:18:35] moovida: yes, it changes in realtime
[2009-01-17 09:19:08] moovida: I just marked the prj problem orange
[2009-01-17 09:19:13] moovida: you saw it change?
[2009-01-17 09:19:20] moovida: morning tupi!
[2009-01-17 09:19:34] tupi: hi!
[2009-01-17 09:19:56] tupi: still there or have you just waken up?
[2009-01-17 09:20:12] moovida: :) just waken up
[2009-01-17 09:20:12] jgarnett1: I did
[2009-01-17 09:20:27] moovida: didn't take it long yesterday
[2009-01-17 09:21:34] tupi: I'm short on time now. having a look at the bug table.
[2009-01-17 09:22:38] tupi: Anything you want me to have a look later on? Or test?
[2009-01-17 09:23:27] moovida: tupi: the wms issues are all marked as yours, what is the state of those?
[2009-01-17 09:23:37] moovida: I am not sure what we should do with those
[2009-01-17 09:24:03] tupi: nor am I. We identified the problem, but are unsure abot a solution.
[2009-01-17 09:24:38] moovida: then I think we will have to bother Jody again to give us his whisdom
[2009-01-17 09:25:03] tupi: Yes. I think his input is necessary.
[2009-01-17 09:25:30] moovida: Mr. Garnett, ping
[2009-01-17 09:25:31] jgarnett1: what number?
[2009-01-17 09:25:45] moovida: think 4-6
[2009-01-17 09:25:51] tupi: rows 4 and 5
[2009-01-17 09:25:57] jgarnett1: the layer icon thing is funny
[2009-01-17 09:26:15] jgarnett1: the actual legend graphic returned seems to include a nice legend thing
[2009-01-17 09:26:19] jgarnett1: and some text
[2009-01-17 09:26:27] jgarnett1: but not every WMS does things this way
[2009-01-17 09:26:46] jgarnett1: so my general plan has been to extract the left part of the image
[2009-01-17 09:26:58] tupi: yeah. the leend from the wms is larger than the expected 16x16
[2009-01-17 09:27:04] jgarnett1: it looks like either that is failing here (and we are getting some text)
[2009-01-17 09:27:07] jgarnett1: or something else has changed.
[2009-01-17 09:27:16] tupi: on window it loks better
[2009-01-17 09:27:26] jgarnett1: thinking
[2009-01-17 09:27:34] tupi: still, the legend is too large for the layersview
[2009-01-17 09:27:34] jgarnett1: so perhaps it is coming back in a different format
[2009-01-17 09:27:42] tupi: the wizard has the same problem
[2009-01-17 09:28:03] jgarnett1: yeah it is the same code; the code lives in the WMSGeoResourceInfo
[2009-01-17 09:28:07] tupi: jesse said yesterday something about transparent format on a mac
[2009-01-17 09:28:15] jgarnett1: it is the code that "resolves" to an ImageDescriptor
[2009-01-17 09:28:31] jgarnett1: (I do not have uDig code open right now ... can you check in WMSGeoResource.resolve method ?
[2009-01-17 09:28:38] tupi: not sure, but I was in he WMS GeoresourceInfo
[2009-01-17 09:28:52] tupi: yep
[2009-01-17 09:29:15] jgarnett1: I would step through this code and watch the problem occur
[2009-01-17 09:29:36] jgarnett1: and see if we can figure out a way to test for this problem; and worst case return "null" to indicate that no legend graphic is available.
[2009-01-17 09:29:44] jgarnett1: but perhaps can can spot a mistake?
[2009-01-17 09:30:05] tupi: thing is, I'm on win xp. where this is sort of ok
[2009-01-17 09:30:08] jgarnett1: aside: it is the same problem in both reports.
[2009-01-17 09:32:53] jgarnett1: so this is only occuring on mac?
[2009-01-17 09:32:54] jgarnett1: so in win xp me may request png
[2009-01-17 09:32:54] jgarnett1: and maybe that does not work on mac so they request GIF?
[2009-01-17 09:32:54] jgarnett1: we should find out what format mac requests; and then we can ask for that format - and see the same problems on win xp
[2009-01-17 09:32:54] tupi: this has been reported on a mac, yes.
[2009-01-17 09:32:54] tupi: I think this is more of a concept thing.
[2009-01-17 09:32:54] tupi: the legends are 2 lines long.
[2009-01-17 09:32:54] tupi: no way they're going to show up properly.
[2009-01-17 09:32:54] tupi: the icons have an ideal size of 16x16.
[2009-01-17 09:32:54] jgarnett1: when we ask for them we ask for them 16x16
[2009-01-17 09:32:54] jgarnett1: and only if the code gives us back a wrong size
[2009-01-17 09:32:54] jgarnett1: do we start hacking
[2009-01-17 09:32:54] tupi: the legend graphic, on the other hand, is more suitable for a LegendGraphic
[2009-01-17 09:32:56] jgarnett1: do you want to take that wrong size; and just try the top/left 16x16 corner?
[2009-01-17 09:33:29] jgarnett1: the specification was pretty clear; the WMS implementions are all over the map with what they actually do however.
[2009-01-17 09:33:44] jgarnett1: (you could confirm we are asking for 16x16 ... if we are not doing so it would be our mistake)
[2009-01-17 09:34:12] jgarnett1: I almost have uDig open and could look myself; but I am hacking on 19 now
[2009-01-17 09:34:48] tupi: don't know. I think if the wms doesn't return a 16x16, then we should use a standard icon
[2009-01-17 09:34:54] tupi: hang on, looking...
[2009-01-17 09:35:24] tupi: it's requesting 16x16
[2009-01-17 09:35:38] jgarnett1: tupi that is an option
[2009-01-17 09:35:51] tupi: point is, the wms don't honour that.
[2009-01-17 09:35:51] jgarnett1: in fact you could do that only on a mac if you want :-)
[2009-01-17 09:36:04] jgarnett1: yeah we are in a situtation where the wms is broken and we are trying to fake it
[2009-01-17 09:36:18] moovida: good morning silli
[2009-01-17 09:36:27] jgarnett1: do you see the code where I try selecting out some of the image? you can try requesting the top/left 16x16
[2009-01-17 09:36:39] jgarnett1: or as you say ... return null to use the default image.
[2009-01-17 09:38:06] silli: morning all!
[2009-01-17 09:39:26] moovida: silli: ready to test all they fixed this night? :)
[2009-01-17 09:39:56] tupi: I'm having a look at the code, and doubting I can do anything about it :-(
[2009-01-17 09:40:02] silli: not sure... :) what should I test?
[2009-01-17 09:40:09] moovida: if you look at the spreadsheet there is a link to all the plugins of udig
[2009-01-17 09:40:22] moovida: I exported them all, because there are new geotools libs needed
[2009-01-17 09:40:40] silli: ok, just a moment I have a look
[2009-01-17 09:40:50] moovida: and then we go on again as before, exporting single plugins as they get fixed
[2009-01-17 09:41:27] tupi: jody: have a look at this legend. how on earth are we going to find an algorithm
[2009-01-17 09:41:38] tupi: to compile all this info into 16x16?
[2009-01-17 09:41:40] tupi:
[2009-01-17 09:42:20] tupi: For deegree, 16x16 is the size of the small rectangles
[2009-01-17 09:42:35] moovida: I love standards :)
[2009-01-17 09:42:54] moovida: that will never work
[2009-01-17 09:42:55] silli: moovida: should I replace all the plugins folder of my udig installation?
[2009-01-17 09:42:58] jgarnett1: ha ha
[2009-01-17 09:43:17] moovida: silli: yes, try that out please, but do not remove th eold ones
[2009-01-17 09:43:20] jgarnett1: at some point tupi we need to STOP
[2009-01-17 09:43:22] jgarnett1: and return null.
[2009-01-17 09:43:26] tupi: speaking of which, I find the glyphs are not yielding nice results for legends on windows.
[2009-01-17 09:43:30] moovida: I did a jar export and am not sure if some of the plugins
[2009-01-17 09:43:34] moovida: have to be folders
[2009-01-17 09:43:44] tupi: ok. I'll try something out, and return to you later on.
[2009-01-17 09:44:00] jgarnett1: I think I saw your snap shot? The Legend MapGraphic is not very cool; it is something that was done in a couple of days by Amr
[2009-01-17 09:44:04] jgarnett1: when he was new to uDig stuff.
[2009-01-17 09:44:06] silli: moovida: just explain me better please
[2009-01-17 09:44:12] jgarnett1: so it is not a suprise if you find things you want to fix.
[2009-01-17 09:44:13] silli: sorry
[2009-01-17 09:44:37] moovida: np, move (not remove) all the net.refractions.* from your install
[2009-01-17 09:44:39] silli: I moved my old folder in an other one and then unzipped the downloaded
[2009-01-17 09:44:40] jgarnett1: tupi are you happy hacking on WMSGeoResource.fetchIcon now?
[2009-01-17 09:44:42] moovida: some of them are folders
[2009-01-17 09:45:03] moovida: and replace with what's in the package
[2009-01-17 09:45:11] tupi: happy? no :-) but I'll try it.
[2009-01-17 09:45:23] moovida: :D
[2009-01-17 09:45:26] jgarnett1: good man
[2009-01-17 09:45:29] silli: so in the folder I downloaded there are not all the plugins?
[2009-01-17 09:45:35] tupi: The legend graphic is ok. I don't claim i can do it better.
[2009-01-17 09:45:40] moovida: all the udig plugins, but in jar format
[2009-01-17 09:45:42] jgarnett1: yeah I would say if it reutrns back more than 16 x 16
[2009-01-17 09:46:00] tupi: it's only the glyphs. I'll post a screen shot.
[2009-01-17 09:46:17] moovida: silli: if you just unzip, you will end up with some duplicated ones
[2009-01-17 09:46:21] moovida: jar + folder
[2009-01-17 09:46:43] jgarnett1: back to hacking for me (so moovida and silli can chat)
[2009-01-17 09:47:18] tupi: folks. I have to go. but I'm back in the afternoon, I hope.
[2009-01-17 09:48:29] moovida: ok tupi, see you later
[2009-01-17 09:48:39] silli: ciao tupi
[2009-01-17 09:50:38] jgarnett1: ciao
[2009-01-17 09:51:41] mauricio: silli: hi
[2009-01-17 09:52:03] mauricio: I was testing udig with rivers
[2009-01-17 09:52:29] silli: ciao mauricio
[2009-01-17 09:52:42] silli: wow and...
[2009-01-17 09:53:06] mauricio: evidentemente there is a problem with rivers
[2009-01-17 09:53:40] mauricio: My experience was ...
[2009-01-17 09:53:59] mauricio: that I can commit any change
[2009-01-17 09:54:14] mauricio: uDig show an error dialog
[2009-01-17 09:54:56] silli: but then it commits the changes right?
[2009-01-17 09:55:08] mauricio: no
[2009-01-17 09:55:27] mauricio: udig can save any change
[2009-01-17 09:55:52] mauricio: the message is ..
[2009-01-17 09:56:01] silli: yesterday it happened this on one of my tentative
[2009-01-17 09:56:48] mauricio: "check your connection to the services"
[2009-01-17 09:57:12] mauricio: Have you got the same message?
[2009-01-17 09:57:57] silli: yes exactly the same!
[2009-01-17 09:58:37] mauricio: I think it is a new bug
[2009-01-17 09:58:57] silli: but then if you exit udig and start it again the changes will be saved
[2009-01-17 09:59:07] silli: could you please try that one?
[2009-01-17 09:59:28] silli: new bugs... noooooooooo :(
[2009-01-17 09:59:40] mauricio: :)
[2009-01-17 10:00:51] mauricio: Yes because edit tool work well with other layers
[2009-01-17 10:01:01] mauricio: like bc_border
[2009-01-17 10:01:24] silli: I tried with an other of my layers but have the same problem
[2009-01-17 10:01:34] silli: I have to try the bc_border
[2009-01-17 10:01:45] * moovida just tells that all new fixes (are available at:
[2009-01-17 10:01:45] silli: just a moment
[2009-01-17 10:02:14] mauricio: good
[2009-01-17 10:03:46] silli: you are right mauricio... bc_borders works fine...
[2009-01-17 10:03:53] silli: so, what could it be
[2009-01-17 10:04:16] silli: problems with attributes or projection?
[2009-01-17 10:04:25] silli: any other idea?
[2009-01-17 10:04:33] mauricio: I have a look in the log
[2009-01-17 10:04:58] mauricio: maybe it is a geotools problem
[2009-01-17 10:05:14] mauricio: but It need more analysis
[2009-01-17 10:05:28] silli: I already tried but no messages in the log... :(
[2009-01-17 10:05:36] silli: in my log, sorry
[2009-01-17 10:06:37] mauricio: silli: have you tested with the moovida build?
[2009-01-17 10:06:39] silli: moovida: there is a plugin that is not a net.refractions plugin in the new package
[2009-01-17 10:06:44] silli: yes
[2009-01-17 10:06:59] moovida: ups, which one?
[2009-01-17 10:07:02] silli: the new plugins of this morning
[2009-01-17 10:07:14] silli: org.tcat.citd...
[2009-01-17 10:07:23] moovida: ah, also the itext perhaps
[2009-01-17 10:07:26] silli: I sobstituded the new one
[2009-01-17 10:07:31] silli: no just one
[2009-01-17 10:07:40] moovida: that is ok, it is the bookmark
[2009-01-17 10:07:43] moovida: view
[2009-01-17 10:07:59] silli: mauricio: are you working with the new plugins like me?
[2009-01-17 10:08:24] mauricio: yes
[2009-01-17 10:08:25] moovida: aren't there also org.apache and com.lowagie?
[2009-01-17 10:08:40] silli: I really would ask you all what did you changed from yesterday evening (Rome timezone) and what should I test
[2009-01-17 10:09:02] silli: moovida: no, the duplicated plugin is just this
[2009-01-17 10:09:10] silli: the others are all net.refractions
[2009-01-17 10:09:15] moovida: ok
[2009-01-17 10:09:26] moovida: changes were made by Jody and Emily
[2009-01-17 10:09:28] silli: moovida: sorry
[2009-01-17 10:09:36] jgarnett1: I am going to start testing my fix for #19. I added a new method to LabelCache so so scalebar could register an area of the screen and ask labels not to be drawn there.
[2009-01-17 10:09:38] moovida: mostly on the style things I guess
[2009-01-17 10:09:54] silli: yes there are also the com.lowagie and org.apache
[2009-01-17 10:10:03] jgarnett1: I am not sure what changes Emily made; the only changes I made are to geotools (and I deployed them)
[2009-01-17 10:10:10] moovida: silli: ok, no problem
[2009-01-17 10:10:14] silli: but they seem to be not in the old installation
[2009-01-17 10:10:26] moovida: silli: they are probably folders
[2009-01-17 10:10:29] silli: what should I do? delete also from the new?
[2009-01-17 10:10:37] silli: ahhhhhhhhh
[2009-01-17 10:10:49] silli: what should I do?
[2009-01-17 10:10:54] silli: delete the old or the new one?
[2009-01-17 10:10:59] moovida: you could leave them, they were not touched
[2009-01-17 10:11:21] moovida: I just hope it works this way
[2009-01-17 10:11:31] moovida: else i do not know exactly how to do
[2009-01-17 10:11:32] silli: moovida: yes they are folders
[2009-01-17 10:11:53] moovida: ok, then just don't substitute them
[2009-01-17 10:11:55] silli: it works, I already tested editing tools
[2009-01-17 10:12:20] moovida: it works? great :)
[2009-01-17 10:12:30] moovida: thank God
[2009-01-17 10:12:52] silli: jgarnett1: sorry, your geotools fix what of the udig bugs could have solved?
[2009-01-17 10:13:46] jgarnett1: 21 I think it was
[2009-01-17 10:13:51] jgarnett1: there are notes on the spreadsheet
[2009-01-17 10:14:32] jgarnett1: yeah 21; after you make a them and you normalize by population
[2009-01-17 10:14:39] jgarnett1: the map does not really load very well again
[2009-01-17 10:16:22] silli: it seems I have some problems with mac
[2009-01-17 10:19:10] jgarnett1: darn ... something for me to test then
[2009-01-17 10:19:38] silli: is there a way to clean the error log?
[2009-01-17 10:19:50] jgarnett1: I think you can delete it
[2009-01-17 10:19:56] jgarnett1: and it will be made again as needed.
[2009-01-17 10:20:01] silli: ok
[2009-01-17 10:23:15] moovida: jgarnett1: sorry to bother you
[2009-01-17 10:23:35] moovida: in AbstractService in the getReader method
[2009-01-17 10:23:56] moovida: for this jpg :
[2009-01-17 10:24:06] moovida: it doesn't create the reader
[2009-01-17 10:24:24] moovida: issue 41 gives that problem
[2009-01-17 10:24:31] moovida: it is a geotools problem it seems
[2009-01-17 10:24:51] moovida: if you could give it an eye later
[2009-01-17 10:25:28] moovida: hmpf, I should really have the geotools source here
[2009-01-17 10:25:41] moovida: what should I do to get it here?
[2009-01-17 10:25:53] moovida: is there a fairly quick way?
[2009-01-17 10:26:34] silli: jgarnett1: I am sending you the error log of the mac installation
[2009-01-17 10:26:41] silli: linux works fine
[2009-01-17 10:26:49] silli: map and legend are coherent
[2009-01-17 10:29:43] jgarnett1: I am not sure I understand; I am a bit lost ...
[2009-01-17 10:30:03] jgarnett1: catching up
[2009-01-17 10:30:03] moovida: jgarnett1: talking to me or silli ? :)
[2009-01-17 10:30:16] jgarnett1: both actually; I was focused on my build :-)
[2009-01-17 10:30:30] jgarnett1: downloading right now ... it is massive.
[2009-01-17 10:30:39] moovida: 3 megs
[2009-01-17 10:30:55] silli: do you have a link for that zip?
[2009-01-17 10:31:07] moovida: I find the raster stuff not working very well, are we sure we are doing this because th erasters work? :)
[2009-01-17 10:31:09] silli: I am using the udig data for testing
[2009-01-17 10:31:30] jgarnett1: I got you zip; seems to be a world plus image file.
[2009-01-17 10:31:38] moovida: jgarnett1: exactly
[2009-01-17 10:31:53] moovida: silli:
[2009-01-17 10:32:09] jgarnett1: ah to grab the source code ...
[2009-01-17 10:32:25] jgarnett1: you can run the libs.source/refresh.xml script and it will download lots
[2009-01-17 10:32:35] jgarnett1: and then you can point to those jars as needed
[2009-01-17 10:32:41] jgarnett1: or you can checkout geotools
[2009-01-17 10:32:45] jgarnett1: and point to your filesystem
[2009-01-17 10:33:17] moovida: nice, hitting refresh.xml
[2009-01-17 10:33:38] jgarnett1: silli and moovida ... the raster stuff is realtivly new. In general I have found it much better.
[2009-01-17 10:33:51] jgarnett1: but I do wish we had one of the raster dudes here to play with us (they did say they would attend)
[2009-01-17 10:33:56] moovida: when it loads it is faster
[2009-01-17 10:34:10] moovida: I tried to ping them also, but no way
[2009-01-17 10:34:21] jgarnett1: one issue I have found is that stuff works now
[2009-01-17 10:34:26] jgarnett1: so when we kind of faked it before
[2009-01-17 10:34:29] jgarnett1: we now get in trouble
[2009-01-17 10:34:40] jgarnett1: example: it respects RasterSymbolizer now
[2009-01-17 10:34:49] jgarnett1: before we could do anything and it would just do RGB
[2009-01-17 10:35:02] jgarnett1: now we have to do the right thing.
[2009-01-17 10:36:19] moovida: :)
[2009-01-17 10:36:31] moovida: I have the source loaded now, I will debug on
[2009-01-17 10:36:32] silli: sorry, don't understand if you are talking of the same of my installation but this raster is not visualized for me, everything is white
[2009-01-17 10:36:43] jgarnett1: The jpg in the default data set does work however :-(
[2009-01-17 10:37:12] moovida: does it have a jgw?
[2009-01-17 10:37:39] silli: yes
[2009-01-17 10:37:42] jgarnett1: moovida can I confirm you have ImageIO-EXT DLLs and stuff installed into your JRE when you are testing this stuff?
[2009-01-17 10:37:49] silli: also for me
[2009-01-17 10:37:54] jgarnett1: should not matter for jpg; but for geotiff and so on it is needed.
[2009-01-17 10:37:56] moovida: jgarnett1: oh, oh...
[2009-01-17 10:38:02] moovida: not sure about that
[2009-01-17 10:38:08] jgarnett1: as far as I know we do not have a solution for mac with repsect to this yet.
[2009-01-17 10:38:09] moovida: in fact pretty sure I don't
[2009-01-17 10:38:14] jgarnett1: hrm
[2009-01-17 10:38:21] moovida: shouldn't it work anyway?
[2009-01-17 10:38:23] jgarnett1: I tried to be clear in the set up instructions!
[2009-01-17 10:38:36] moovida: sorry on that jgarnett1
[2009-01-17 10:38:41] jgarnett1: Indeed I have been begging anyone on a linux box to make a jre according to the instructions for others to use.
[2009-01-17 10:38:46] moovida: I know, I read
[2009-01-17 10:38:56] jgarnett1: that is fine; I am not sure my emails work unless I send them to a specific person.
[2009-01-17 10:39:09] moovida: but I thought this would be compatible anyway
[2009-01-17 10:39:14] jgarnett1: in anycase if we are not testing that; I expect some trouble with geotiff and so on
[2009-01-17 10:39:18] jgarnett1: not sure about jpeg.
[2009-01-17 10:39:28] moovida: then let me get the stuff
[2009-01-17 10:39:31] jgarnett1: I think it will be.
[2009-01-17 10:39:35] jgarnett1: you are on linux or mac?
[2009-01-17 10:39:44] moovida: and try again, we will anyway supply the jre, so it will always be there
[2009-01-17 10:39:51] moovida: windows vista right now
[2009-01-17 10:40:02] jgarnett1: sweet; no big hurry
[2009-01-17 10:40:08] jgarnett1: we have enough bugs for right now
[2009-01-17 10:40:17] jgarnett1: (
[2009-01-17 10:40:18] moovida: :) agreed
[2009-01-17 10:40:48] jgarnett1: so other than chatting; I have done my geotools bug fixes for righ tnow
[2009-01-17 10:40:53] jgarnett1: and am testing in udig.
[2009-01-17 10:47:41] moovida: strange...
[2009-01-17 10:47:52] moovida: in the WorldImageReader
[2009-01-17 10:47:56] moovida: in getHRInfo
[2009-01-17 10:48:05] moovida: numOverviews = wmsRequest ? 0 : reader.getNumImages(true) - 1;
[2009-01-17 10:48:20] moovida: the getNumImages method of the jai-imagio fails
[2009-01-17 10:48:27] moovida: and throws exception
[2009-01-17 10:48:42] moovida: probably really because I do not have the ext stuff
[2009-01-17 10:49:08] jgarnett1: not sure
[2009-01-17 10:49:16] jgarnett1: I do know that Jesse and Simone spent some time
[2009-01-17 10:49:16] moovida: but I think that here it should trap the exception and try tp return 1 if not able to get it
[2009-01-17 10:49:21] jgarnett1: being tricky here
[2009-01-17 10:49:34] moovida: were you able just to load my jpg?
[2009-01-17 10:49:41] jgarnett1: and keeping some kind of "overview" in memory if they could for large images.
[2009-01-17 10:50:04] jgarnett1: aside: it seems we are talking on all kinds of bugs here this weekend
[2009-01-17 10:50:20] jgarnett1: how close are we going to get to making it through walkthrough 1 & 2
[2009-01-17 10:50:46] moovida: hm, you are right, I am on a sidebug
[2009-01-17 10:51:00] jgarnett1: that is fine; perhaps it is a fun sidebug
[2009-01-17 10:51:02] moovida: I'll get back to the walkthrough reported
[2009-01-17 10:51:22] moovida: yes, but as agreed, we first do the direct ones
[2009-01-17 10:52:12] jgarnett1: that is okay I think I am on some side bugs as well
[2009-01-17 10:52:21] jgarnett1: they are important to people or they would not of been reported
[2009-01-17 10:52:26] moovida: silli: you right now reported a new one on rivers, right
[2009-01-17 10:52:28] moovida: ?
[2009-01-17 10:52:35] moovida: is mauricio working on that?
[2009-01-17 10:52:50] mauricio: yes, I was testing udig and I can confirm that there is a new bug committing rivers layer
[2009-01-17 10:52:51] silli: yes I reported but it is not the one mauricio works on
[2009-01-17 10:53:09] mauricio: so,
[2009-01-17 10:53:13] silli: mine is just a problem in table view
[2009-01-17 10:53:23] silli: mauricio: works on commiting and saving features
[2009-01-17 10:54:09] mauricio: I am testing
[2009-01-17 10:54:14] mauricio: and collecting data
[2009-01-17 10:54:16] mauricio: webdav://
[2009-01-17 10:54:26] moovida: ok, great, so I fag it as yours if it is ok for you
[2009-01-17 10:54:48] moovida: done
[2009-01-17 10:55:03] mauricio: but, are the new bugs part of this sprint
[2009-01-17 10:55:05] mauricio: ?
[2009-01-17 10:55:19] mauricio: or we only report it
[2009-01-17 10:55:32] moovida: I think it depends
[2009-01-17 10:55:34] mauricio: and consentrate in the initial set
[2009-01-17 10:55:54] moovida: if they are related to walkthroug, they should be solved, if possible
[2009-01-17 10:56:09] moovida: we should decide on this
[2009-01-17 10:56:34] * moovida in the meanwhile takes "redo a style of type theme", if ok for the others
[2009-01-17 10:56:51] jgarnett1: what number?
[2009-01-17 10:56:58] moovida: 18
[2009-01-17 10:57:02] silli: it seems to be solved right now
[2009-01-17 10:57:20] silli: I tried before and it worked on linux
[2009-01-17 10:57:23] moovida: oh... that is even better
[2009-01-17 10:57:34] moovida: perhaps Jody's sideeffect on geotools?
[2009-01-17 10:57:35] jgarnett1: could of been related to the problems Emily and I were fixing
[2009-01-17 10:57:38] silli: in mac I have big problems in styling, I sent Jody an email
[2009-01-17 10:57:48] moovida: I test it now on windows and in case I flag it as closed
[2009-01-17 10:58:03] jgarnett1: oh I will read email now
[2009-01-17 10:58:44] mauricio: We could add a new section in
[2009-01-17 10:58:46] mauricio:
[2009-01-17 10:59:09] mauricio: or a new row in the sheet
[2009-01-17 10:59:24] jgarnett1: silly I cannot see the email yet; you sent it to ?
[2009-01-17 10:59:32] silli: yes
[2009-01-17 10:59:49] silli: I am checking now
[2009-01-17 11:00:21] moovida: mauricio: yes, but I am afraid of what wil lhappen with that page at the end of the sprint
[2009-01-17 11:00:41] moovida: I prefer the spreadsheet because it is more readable
[2009-01-17 11:00:49] mauricio: ok
[2009-01-17 11:01:08] mauricio: I will add commit with river layer issue
[2009-01-17 11:01:26] moovida: but it is just my opinion,
[2009-01-17 11:01:35] moovida: so feel free to comment
[2009-01-17 11:02:27] mauricio: well, it could be a problem to evaluate de sprint goal
[2009-01-17 11:02:28] silli: jgarnett1: I sent you the log again now
[2009-01-17 11:02:46] mauricio: I think new bugs are new goal
[2009-01-17 11:03:19] mauricio: but, I will add the NEW key to have clear this point
[2009-01-17 11:03:40] mauricio: do you agree?
[2009-01-17 11:03:53] moovida: yes, perfect
[2009-01-17 11:03:59] moovida: thanks
[2009-01-17 11:07:49] silli: moovida: did you tried the styling?
[2009-01-17 11:07:50] moovida: ok, can confirm that bug 18 works properly
[2009-01-17 11:07:57] moovida: :) finished right now
[2009-01-17 11:07:57] silli: ok
[2009-01-17 11:08:04] moovida: I flag it as done
[2009-01-17 11:08:20] moovida: silli: had you a possibility to test the WKT projection error?
[2009-01-17 11:08:32] moovida: i.e. the second jar that has to be downloaded?
[2009-01-17 11:08:41] jgarnett1: I got the email
[2009-01-17 11:08:49] silli: don't know what should I tes
[2009-01-17 11:08:53] jgarnett1: ah
[2009-01-17 11:08:57] jgarnett1: we have a trouble!
[2009-01-17 11:09:03] jgarnett1: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file
[2009-01-17 11:09:03] jgarnett1:    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
[2009-01-17 11:09:03] jgarnett1:    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
[2009-01-17 11:09:03] jgarnett1:    at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader.defineClass(
[2009-01-17 11:09:10] jgarnett1: this means someone made Java 6 code
[2009-01-17 11:09:17] silli: ahhhhhhh
[2009-01-17 11:09:17] jgarnett1: and you are trying to run it on Java 5
[2009-01-17 11:09:27] jgarnett1: question is who ... :-)
[2009-01-17 11:09:35] silli: you are right
[2009-01-17 11:09:46] moovida: :'( will I get hit badly this time?
[2009-01-17 11:09:54] silli: I use the same plugins in mac and linux but not the same java version... :(
[2009-01-17 11:10:04] jgarnett1: hrm
[2009-01-17 11:10:21] jgarnett1: still we do try and make sure to compile to Java 5
[2009-01-17 11:10:41] jgarnett1: dare I ask where you got the jar?
[2009-01-17 11:10:50] silli: if some of you have time to help me configure my mac I can also have a developing environment and export the plugins with java5
[2009-01-17 11:11:01] moovida: jody it is my fault
[2009-01-17 11:11:17] moovida: hmpf
[2009-01-17 11:12:18] moovida: I am probably wrong but I didn't think we were up to do java 1.5
[2009-01-17 11:12:23] moovida: sorry
[2009-01-17 11:12:37] moovida: I will change to 1.5 and redeploy the plugins
[2009-01-17 11:12:39] jgarnett1: I would love to try and help; my instructions I have for mac are not very good (no mac users has explained to me what is needed ... and my wife has a mac now so I could try it)
[2009-01-17 11:13:10] moovida: silli: you are on a mac right now?
[2009-01-17 11:13:26] moovida: I am getting lost
[2009-01-17 11:13:51] silli: I am on both now
[2009-01-17 11:14:13] silli: but from this evening I will just have only mac
[2009-01-17 11:14:35] silli: so probably having plugins for mac would be a good idea...
[2009-01-17 11:14:55] moovida: ok, while I change my eclipse jdk (have to download it) can you use linux with 6?
[2009-01-17 11:15:16] jgarnett1: moovida: setting the compiler settings to 1.5 should do the trick
[2009-01-17 11:15:20] silli: yes I am still using this
[2009-01-17 11:15:21] jgarnett1: no need to change your jdk
[2009-01-17 11:16:10] jgarnett1: (
[2009-01-17 11:16:13] moovida: wow, I understood that flag different
[2009-01-17 11:16:22] moovida: doing it
[2009-01-17 11:16:33] jgarnett1: It is called Compiler compliance level: 1.5 now
[2009-01-17 11:16:36] jgarnett1: cool
[2009-01-17 11:17:01] moovida: it is rebuilding
[2009-01-17 11:17:06] jgarnett1: fun fun
[2009-01-17 11:17:17] moovida: as soon it has, I will post the new plugins
[2009-01-17 11:17:39] silli: ok perfect I will test them suddently
[2009-01-17 11:17:50] silli: moovida: what do you need I test
[2009-01-17 11:17:52] moovida: thansk silli
[2009-01-17 11:18:04] silli: I tried with the WKT and got this error
[2009-01-17 11:18:07] acuster: hey all. Keep up the good work.
[2009-01-17 11:18:15] silli: An error has occurred. See error log for more details.
[2009-01-17 11:18:17] silli: This "AxisDirection" object is too complex for WKT syntax.
[2009-01-17 11:18:20] acuster: If you release a milestone, ping me and I'll try on this machine
[2009-01-17 11:18:22] moovida: issue 37: projection WKT problem
[2009-01-17 11:18:31] =-= acuster is now known as avc_work
[2009-01-17 11:18:36] moovida: yes silli exactly
[2009-01-17 11:18:43] silli: :) morning avc_work
[2009-01-17 11:18:49] * moovida salutes avc_work
[2009-01-17 11:19:11] silli: avc_work: do you have a 64 bit also today?
[2009-01-17 11:19:28] moovida: silli: you will have to add the jar you find at:
[2009-01-17 11:19:37] moovida: there is a single jar
[2009-01-17 11:19:52] silli: but you didn't write it anywhere
[2009-01-17 11:19:54] silli: ok
[2009-01-17 11:19:56] silli: I will try
[2009-01-17 11:19:58] * avc_work is an idiot, and tries a hack that should work
[2009-01-17 11:20:09] silli: just a moment
[2009-01-17 11:20:13] moovida: silli: what do you mean?
[2009-01-17 11:20:21] moovida: I didn't write?
[2009-01-17 11:20:49] silli: nothing I am confused I can not understand what to do and what are the new plugins available
[2009-01-17 11:21:02] moovida: ok, sorry
[2009-01-17 11:21:06] moovida: let me start again
[2009-01-17 11:21:12] moovida: this:
[2009-01-17 11:21:20] moovida: is the page with all the instructions
[2009-01-17 11:21:29] moovida: the first link are all the plugins of udig
[2009-01-17 11:21:38] moovida: and then there is a single jar
[2009-01-17 11:21:45] moovida: since I fixed that later
[2009-01-17 11:22:03] silli: but you added it after my first download?
[2009-01-17 11:22:11] moovida: and that has been fixed after the release of the whole plugin set
[2009-01-17 11:22:14] silli: but no problem, I got it now
[2009-01-17 11:22:18] moovida: yes, exactly
[2009-01-17 11:22:27] moovida: I didn't know how to do else
[2009-01-17 11:22:32] mauricio: well, I go for 24
[2009-01-17 11:22:40] moovida: it is a bit confusing, I know
[2009-01-17 11:23:03] moovida: mauricio: i'm sure no one want to steal you that one :)
[2009-01-17 11:24:04] mauricio: :)
[2009-01-17 11:24:14] silli: moovida: the WKT is working well now
[2009-01-17 11:24:37] moovida: great, thanks silli, I mark it as done then
[2009-01-17 11:25:05] silli: ok, when you get the java5 plugins just tell me, I will try all this things in mac again
[2009-01-17 11:25:17] moovida: ok, it is building right now
[2009-01-17 11:25:22] moovida: I'll let you know
[2009-01-17 11:27:36] mauricio: silli: I add 43 as new bug (commiting rivers), You could add more commets
[2009-01-17 11:28:06] silli: thanks mauricio
[2009-01-17 11:30:29] silli: mauricio: your report is perfect, much more than I could write... so no addition for this time :)
[2009-01-17 11:30:52] mauricio: ok
[2009-01-17 11:31:58] CIA-16: UDig: 03aantonello * r31058 10udig/plugins/net.refractions.udig.ui/src/net/refractions/udig/ui/
[2009-01-17 11:31:58] CIA-16: UDig: fix for issue 37: "projection WKT problem" of the code sprint.
[2009-01-17 11:31:58] CIA-16: UDig: Solved it by using the toString representation when the WKT can't be created. In those cases the textarea of the definition of the proj will be non editable.
[2009-01-17 11:34:22] silli: moovida: how much do you need for the java5 plugins?
[2009-01-17 11:34:29] moovida: uploading plugins right now
[2009-01-17 11:34:35] silli: I have to go out of office for a while
[2009-01-17 11:34:39] silli: ok
[2009-01-17 11:34:42] silli: I can wait
[2009-01-17 11:34:42] moovida: but my upload band is not very quick
[2009-01-17 11:34:52] moovida: ok, great
[2009-01-17 11:34:57] moovida: 4% now
[2009-01-17 11:35:04] moovida: 5%
[2009-01-17 11:35:11] moovida: *to give you an idea
[2009-01-17 11:35:17] moovida: 6%
[2009-01-17 11:35:20] silli: what should I test in mac? map legend and WKT?
[2009-01-17 11:35:20] moovida: of the speed
[2009-01-17 11:35:31] moovida: yes, I think so
[2009-01-17 11:35:52] silli: ok so I could go and come back and probably you already are at 50%
[2009-01-17 11:36:12] moovida: :) yes it is possible
[2009-01-17 11:36:26] moovida: right now I don't remember what I was doing...
[2009-01-17 11:36:39] silli: you finished the WKT issue
[2009-01-17 11:36:46] silli: look for an other you like...
[2009-01-17 11:37:23] silli: reset? do you like thread???
[2009-01-17 11:37:36] silli: or just catalog issues?
[2009-01-17 11:38:41] moovida: I was thinking to go for the reset indeed
[2009-01-17 11:38:48] moovida: One question before
[2009-01-17 11:39:18] moovida: issue 20
[2009-01-17 11:40:12] moovida: what happened to that
[2009-01-17 11:40:22] moovida: was it decided that it is ok like that?
[2009-01-17 11:40:38] moovida: also I just reloaded a map and it had lost the sty;e
[2009-01-17 11:40:45] silli: I have to test it in mac
[2009-01-17 11:41:23] silli: on linux this works perfectly, in mac I had problems but seems to be related to java5
[2009-01-17 11:42:13] moovida: ok, on vista it has a bit of problems
[2009-01-17 11:42:20] moovida: related to the transparency
[2009-01-17 11:42:29] silli: tupi added some comments on windows
[2009-01-17 11:42:38] silli: try to put the opacity at %
[2009-01-17 11:42:43] silli: 100%
[2009-01-17 11:42:45] moovida: yes, I saw that
[2009-01-17 11:42:54] moovida: was just wondering what we decided to do
[2009-01-17 11:43:21] silli: don't know, it seems to be a big issue
[2009-01-17 11:43:37] moovida: I put opacity at 100 and nothing changes
[2009-01-17 11:43:42] moovida: the colors are ugly
[2009-01-17 11:43:50] jgarnett1: question guys
[2009-01-17 11:43:55] jgarnett1: the legend mapgraphic
[2009-01-17 11:43:58] moovida: I have a brown part, but nothing in the legendseems to be brown
[2009-01-17 11:44:17] jgarnett1: has never seen much time put into it; it has not been a big feature (nor a big issue)
[2009-01-17 11:44:29] jgarnett1: the colors are showing up wrong?
[2009-01-17 11:44:35] silli: :) are you daltonian
[2009-01-17 11:44:49] moovida: :D definitely
[2009-01-17 11:44:52] moovida: lol
[2009-01-17 11:44:53] jgarnett1: it actually looks like they may be RGB backwords (ie BGR)
[2009-01-17 11:45:08] moovida: ok, then I will check that next
[2009-01-17 11:45:22] jgarnett1: I would check what color it is trying to use ...
[2009-01-17 11:45:30] jgarnett1: we did a *lot* of work on color handling
[2009-01-17 11:45:40] jgarnett1: so you could ask an expression to evaulate to a color
[2009-01-17 11:46:01] jgarnett1: chances are the legend map graphic is missing something here; debugger should tell us
[2009-01-17 11:46:20] jgarnett1: does that help?
[2009-01-17 11:46:42] moovida: yes, it does, and luckily without theme it also behaves odd
[2009-01-17 11:46:48] moovida: so it should be easy to check
[2009-01-17 11:47:07] silli: so moovida it seems to be a candidate for this issue... :P
[2009-01-17 11:47:23] moovida: :) yep, marked as mine
[2009-01-17 11:47:34] silli: plugins % is...
[2009-01-17 11:47:37] moovida: hope that it is easy and then I will look into the reset issue
[2009-01-17 11:47:42] jgarnett1: okay; it may be quicker / tempting to rewrite some of what you see
[2009-01-17 11:47:54] moovida: 81%
[2009-01-17 11:49:22] jgarnett1: oh dear that does not seem fun
[2009-01-17 11:49:36] jgarnett1: it took me 59 mins to deploy new jars earlier today
[2009-01-17 11:49:50] jgarnett1: I will do so again in a bit since I have some LabelCache fixes
[2009-01-17 11:50:33] jgarnett1: if you want we can try aaime's new fancy / faster labeler
[2009-01-17 11:52:41] moovida: that sounds like real fun
[2009-01-17 11:52:43] moovida: :D
[2009-01-17 11:52:50] moovida: silli: the plugins are up
[2009-01-17 11:53:02] moovida: new link at the page
[2009-01-17 11:53:25] moovida:
[2009-01-17 11:53:34] moovida: the last link has the 1.5
[2009-01-17 11:53:53] silli: ok thanks, I was loosing in some political, environmental questions... too hard for lunchtime... :)
[2009-01-17 11:54:18] moovida: lol, these days politics is dangerous
[2009-01-17 11:56:28] silli: it seems hydrologis has to help someone, you can choose between politics and normal people... and then I will fight with them
[2009-01-17 11:56:57] moovida: oh, oh, what should I answer :S
[2009-01-17 11:57:36] jgarnett1: the political environment is tough
[2009-01-17 11:58:49] silli: lol seems we are all technician not so near politics... :)
[2009-01-17 12:00:30] jgarnett1: we like doing stuff
[2009-01-17 12:00:38] jgarnett1: polititions like doing people
[2009-01-17 12:00:49] silli: lol
[2009-01-17 12:01:11] * moovida is wondering if "doing people" is meaning what he would think in Italian...
[2009-01-17 12:01:31] jgarnett1: I did it!
[2009-01-17 12:01:40] jgarnett1: map graphics no longer get labels showing up inside them
[2009-01-17 12:01:45] silli: noooooooooooo guys please!!!
[2009-01-17 12:01:46] jgarnett1: boy that was more work to talk about then to do
[2009-01-17 12:01:54] moovida: good boy!
[2009-01-17 12:02:12] moovida: but first you have to go thourgh Silli-the-bad-bugtracker :)
[2009-01-17 12:02:23] moovida: only by then I believe you
[2009-01-17 12:02:32] jgarnett1: hrm
[2009-01-17 12:02:36] jgarnett1: how do I do that?
[2009-01-17 12:02:51] jgarnett1: I will deploy geotools when i go home (which will be soon)
[2009-01-17 12:03:05] moovida: ahh, it is in geotools, sorry
[2009-01-17 12:03:07] jgarnett1: and then when it is done (about 60 mins later) you can run refresh.xml to grab the new jars?
[2009-01-17 12:03:15] jgarnett1: it is in both I am afraid
[2009-01-17 12:03:20] moovida: sure I will
[2009-01-17 12:03:41] moovida: ok, let me know when and what and I will do and deploy the plugins for testers to test
[2009-01-17 12:03:45] jgarnett1: while I am here should we look at the poor legend code handling of color?
[2009-01-17 12:03:54] jgarnett1: I think ...
[2009-01-17 12:03:57] jgarnett1: 1. run refresh.xml
[2009-01-17 12:04:14] moovida: I am in the legedn icon creation code
[2009-01-17 12:04:20] moovida: you mean that one?
[2009-01-17 12:04:28] jgarnett1: 2. package up net.refractions.udig.libs and the scalebar and legend plugins
[2009-01-17 12:04:38] jgarnett1: let me find out which ones those are.
[2009-01-17 12:04:48] moovida: I would prefer you to check things like WFS, which I have no idea of
[2009-01-17 12:05:06] jgarnett1: I am in there as well to add
[2009-01-17 12:05:09] jgarnett1: private void drawOutline(ViewportGraphics graphics, MapGraphicContext context, Rectangle locationStyle) {
[2009-01-17 12:05:10] jgarnett1: Rectangle outline = new Rectangle(locationStyle.x, locationStyle.y, locationStyle.width, locationStyle.height);
[2009-01-17 12:05:10] jgarnett1: // reserve this area free of labels!
[2009-01-17 12:05:10] jgarnett1: context.getLabelPainter().put( outline );
[2009-01-17 12:05:20] jgarnett1: the last line is what I worked hard for
[2009-01-17 12:06:54] jgarnett1: aside
[2009-01-17 12:07:01] jgarnett1: I think I found the color problem
[2009-01-17 12:07:10] jgarnett1: am I to understand that the colors are only a problem on specific platforms?
[2009-01-17 12:07:33] moovida: don't know
[2009-01-17 12:07:37] moovida: silli: ?
[2009-01-17 12:08:20] jgarnett1: near as I can tell they make an SWT Image
[2009-01-17 12:08:27] jgarnett1: and then turn it into a AWT Image
[2009-01-17 12:08:28] jgarnett1: BufferedImage awtIcon = AWTSWTImageUtils.convertToAWT(swtIcon.getImageData());
[2009-01-17 12:08:36] moovida: yep
[2009-01-17 12:08:38] silli: hoi!
[2009-01-17 12:08:42] jgarnett1: And then try drawing it
[2009-01-17 12:08:58] jgarnett1: graphics.drawImage(icon, x, y+iconVerticalOffset);
[2009-01-17 12:09:07] silli: tell me
[2009-01-17 12:09:14] jgarnett1: so I suspect that somewhere we are getting confused between RGB and BGR order
[2009-01-17 12:09:43] jgarnett1: so what is the plan; can I commit my fix for #18
[2009-01-17 12:09:47] silli: yes jgarnett1 colors are right in linux and mac
[2009-01-17 12:09:49] jgarnett1: or do I need to go through testing first :-)
[2009-01-17 12:09:59] silli: finished now the tests
[2009-01-17 12:10:10] moovida: commit Jody, commit!
[2009-01-17 12:10:17] jgarnett1: okay going
[2009-01-17 12:10:19] moovida: silli: everything ok?
[2009-01-17 12:10:42] silli: everything... what??!! :)
[2009-01-17 12:10:52] silli: I am confused, it is time for lunch...
[2009-01-17 12:10:55] silli: :)
[2009-01-17 12:10:59] jgarnett1: enjoy lunch
[2009-01-17 12:11:02] silli: what should I test now
[2009-01-17 12:11:06] jgarnett1: I am going to start my deploy of geotools
[2009-01-17 12:11:14] jgarnett1: and commit my changes to udig
[2009-01-17 12:11:19] jgarnett1: in about 60 mins
[2009-01-17 12:11:25] jgarnett1: you can run refresh.xml
[2009-01-17 12:11:29] silli: ok just a second jgarnett1
[2009-01-17 12:11:31] jgarnett1: and udig trunk will compile
[2009-01-17 12:11:45] jgarnett1: I am not going right now; need to start the deploy etc...
[2009-01-17 12:12:07] silli: I tried the styling on mac and it seemed to work properly
[2009-01-17 12:12:15] silli: legend and map are coherent
[2009-01-17 12:12:26] silli: but if I close udig and restart it
[2009-01-17 12:12:43] silli: the legend is still the same (and it has to be so)
[2009-01-17 12:13:10] silli: but the map is completely not transparent and has only one colour
[2009-01-17 12:13:24] jgarnett1: (remember we had a bug with themed layers not getting their style saved at all? did you get the fix for that ...)
[2009-01-17 12:13:39] moovida: yes silli, good, I also had that problem when trying something else
[2009-01-17 12:13:45] jgarnett1: not sure I understand ...
[2009-01-17 12:13:57] moovida: style a layer, close udig and reopen it
[2009-01-17 12:14:00] jgarnett1: Can you give me the steps so I can try it here ...
[2009-01-17 12:14:06] moovida: you will understand immediatly
[2009-01-17 12:14:14] silli: I have also the error in my log
[2009-01-17 12:14:20] silli: moovida: what about your error...
[2009-01-17 12:14:33] moovida: which error?
[2009-01-17 12:14:43] silli: this error in the error log
[2009-01-17 12:15:39] moovida: sorry, my brain is gone, could you explain?
[2009-01-17 12:16:13] silli: I sent you an email with the part of my error log I think it is related to this problem (style while reopening udig)
[2009-01-17 12:16:20] silli: did you get it?
[2009-01-17 12:17:18] moovida: ok, now I have it
[2009-01-17 12:17:27] silli: also my email?
[2009-01-17 12:17:34] moovida: I am currntly debugging in the legend problem
[2009-01-17 12:17:40] moovida: yes, I have your email
[2009-01-17 12:18:00] jgarnett1: starting my deploy; now trying silli's steps
[2009-01-17 12:18:10] moovida: I will try to finish that and hope that in the meanwhile jgarnett1 will solve the rest :)
[2009-01-17 12:26:21] jgarnett1: hi
[2009-01-17 12:26:29] jgarnett1: moovida / silli
[2009-01-17 12:26:35] jgarnett1: I have tried the steps and seen the problem
[2009-01-17 12:26:35] moovida: yep
[2009-01-17 12:26:50] jgarnett1: the style dialog remembers the theme; but the style obviously was not written out correctly
[2009-01-17 12:27:01] jgarnett1: I did not get the exception you talked about on the spreadsheet
[2009-01-17 12:27:13] silli: good
[2009-01-17 12:27:48] silli: moovida: did you add the exception I sent to you?
[2009-01-17 12:27:54] jgarnett1: This is issue 21 right?
[2009-01-17 12:28:15] moovida: no, I am still in the code
[2009-01-17 12:29:04] moovida: could you add it please
[2009-01-17 12:31:03] silli: I didn't have that exception
[2009-01-17 12:32:07] silli: jgarnett1: I sent you an email with what I think are my exceptions
[2009-01-17 12:32:10] silli: sorry
[2009-01-17 12:32:12] silli: my errors
[2009-01-17 12:37:45] jgarnett1: grr found my problem; needing to go and fix a geotools bug
[2009-01-17 12:37:57] jgarnett1: so it is my fault; but I think I have the fix in mind
[2009-01-17 12:38:15] silli: nice to hear this from you jgarnett1 :)
[2009-01-17 12:43:20] jgarnett1: the joys of testing
[2009-01-17 12:47:51] jgarnett1: testing my fix now
[2009-01-17 12:51:43] jgarnett1: silly about your email you sent me
[2009-01-17 12:51:53] jgarnett1: imageio catalog activator error
[2009-01-17 12:51:57] jgarnett1: the start method has
[2009-01-17 12:51:59] jgarnett1: if (!GDALUtilities.isGDALAvailable())
[2009-01-17 12:51:59] jgarnett1: return;
[2009-01-17 12:52:12] jgarnett1: so with out GDAL it will not start up
[2009-01-17 12:54:02] silli: and what should I do for having that GDAL on my mac?
[2009-01-17 12:54:22] silli: is that package not contained in the plugins?
[2009-01-17 12:55:02] jgarnett1: I am going to ask it to throw an exception; I hope that will be logged rather than stop udig from working.
[2009-01-17 12:55:19] jgarnett1: GDAL is used as part of ImageIO-EXT project
[2009-01-17 12:55:24] jgarnett1: (simone and all of those guys)
[2009-01-17 12:55:30] jgarnett1: it is something that needs to be installed into java
[2009-01-17 12:55:38] jgarnett1: and I am not sure how that is done on the mac.
[2009-01-17 12:55:59] jgarnett1: oh dear it is raining here now; I may be wet going home
[2009-01-17 12:56:08] silli: thanks
[2009-01-17 12:56:17] silli: :) jody do you have the car?
[2009-01-17 12:56:27] jgarnett1: We are renting a place
[2009-01-17 12:56:30] jgarnett1: 5 mins walk from work
[2009-01-17 12:56:39] jgarnett1: because we thought we are only in a big city once
[2009-01-17 12:56:54] jgarnett1: and why spend many hours a day commuting
[2009-01-17 12:57:04] silli: perfectly agree
[2009-01-17 12:57:04] jgarnett1: (and Sydney is a bit big for a car; everyone uses trains)
[2009-01-17 12:57:24] jgarnett1: so more expensive rent; but not train tickets - it should balance out
[2009-01-17 12:57:30] silli: so look for an umbrella...
[2009-01-17 12:57:37] jgarnett1: and my home is going to be 10 mins walk from FOSS4G 2009
[2009-01-17 12:57:38] silli: no train, less time...
[2009-01-17 12:57:41] moovida: guys, I think I fixed the legend
[2009-01-17 12:57:51] silli: this would balance it for sure
[2009-01-17 12:58:01] moovida: the bitmasks where not set properly
[2009-01-17 12:58:02] silli: :) perfect place for your home
[2009-01-17 12:58:12] moovida: i am starving
[2009-01-17 12:58:12] silli: go moovida go!!!
[2009-01-17 12:58:16] moovida: thanks
[2009-01-17 12:58:29] silli: starving is a bit starting and a bit saving?
[2009-01-17 12:58:39] moovida: lol, more or less
[2009-01-17 12:58:42] silli: or I am ignorant at all in English?
[2009-01-17 12:58:47] jgarnett1: yum bits
[2009-01-17 12:58:55] moovida: I'm going to eat and afterwards deploy everything
[2009-01-17 12:59:08] jgarnett1: wish my computer was faster; I am asking it to do too much
[2009-01-17 12:59:09] moovida: starving == morire di fame
[2009-01-17 12:59:25] moovida: ok, will be back in some time, going to have some food
[2009-01-17 12:59:41] moovida: ciao and later
[2009-01-17 12:59:44] silli: I already eat here in front of the pc
[2009-01-17 12:59:47] silli: later
[2009-01-17 12:59:55] [INFO] You are now marked as away (I'm not here right now.). Click the nickname button or use the |/back| command to return from being away.
[2009-01-17 13:00:57] silli: just to tell you, I am here more or less until 15 this afternoon because then I have to go to that meeting... we have to start to think what to do for saving the world after udig1.2 is done!
[2009-01-17 13:02:21] jgarnett1: you guys work hard
[2009-01-17 13:02:29] jgarnett1: the world loves you
[2009-01-17 13:03:15] silli: lol thanks jgarnett1 we do all that we can...
[2009-01-17 13:03:52] silli: working hard is not a problem if there are others that can help you and then that appreciate the works
[2009-01-17 13:05:38] CIA-16: UDig: 03jgarnett * r31059 10udig/plugins/ (8 files in 8 dirs): use new label cache api to reserve area for mapgraphic
[2009-01-17 13:13:17] jgarnett1: yeah I did it
[2009-01-17 13:13:24] jgarnett1: the theme stays between runs
[2009-01-17 13:13:36] silli: great!
[2009-01-17 13:13:49] silli: so was it also a problem in geotools?
[2009-01-17 13:13:54] jgarnett1: yep
[2009-01-17 13:13:59] jgarnett1: the turning of the style
[2009-01-17 13:14:05] jgarnett1: into XML and back
[2009-01-17 13:14:07] jgarnett1: is done in geotools
[2009-01-17 13:14:20] jgarnett1: and we save the style in XML when we save the map
[2009-01-17 13:14:29] jgarnett1: (actually we save it to XML everytime it is changed)
[2009-01-17 13:14:42] jgarnett1: just in case
[2009-01-17 13:14:44] silli: ahhh now understand... nice to knwo
[2009-01-17 13:14:57] jgarnett1: but we only read it in fresh when we open the map up
[2009-01-17 13:15:09] silli: yes it is interesting to know
[2009-01-17 13:15:13] jgarnett1: and that is the only time to know if our XML was any good
[2009-01-17 13:15:28] jgarnett1: (other than hitting the validate button on the advanced tab; which is how emily found a lot of the problems)
[2009-01-17 13:16:27] silli: never tried that button, tried now and obviously had some problems
[2009-01-17 13:16:31] silli: :)
[2009-01-17 13:16:42] jgarnett1: in anycase I am starting the deploy; if you can ask moovida to run refresh.xml in 60 mins time
[2009-01-17 13:16:46] jgarnett1: then you to can have the fix
[2009-01-17 13:17:03] silli: yes that is perfect
[2009-01-17 13:18:10] jgarnett1: good night
[2009-01-17 13:18:23] jgarnett1: I will be back tomorrow; but you guys will not be awake
[2009-01-17 13:18:26] silli: so good night jgarnett1 and thanks a lot for the great work
[2009-01-17 13:18:49] jgarnett1: so maybe send me email or something. I will do an "svn up" first thing to see what is fixed.
[2009-01-17 13:18:53] silli: not so easy, I think moovida will try to join you somehow
[2009-01-17 13:18:59] jgarnett1: has jesse been around much? or only yesterday...
[2009-01-17 13:19:12] silli: only yesterday
[2009-01-17 13:19:37] jgarnett1: too bad I was looking forward to working with him
[2009-01-17 13:19:39] silli: it seems there are some possibilities to see him this afternoon but don't know
[2009-01-17 13:19:48] jgarnett1: sounds like he was helpful.
[2009-01-17 13:19:54] jgarnett1: okay well if you do see him please say hi for me
[2009-01-17 13:20:05] silli: for sure!
[2009-01-17 13:20:20] silli: ciao jgarnett1 and say hi to your wife for me
[2009-01-17 13:20:22] silli: :)
[2009-01-17 13:20:30] jgarnett1: I will
[2009-01-17 13:37:04] silli: I go out for a bit
[2009-01-17 13:37:18] silli: come back in 20-30 minutes
[2009-01-17 13:37:44] silli: moovida: you should do the things jgarnett1 said after 14:20
[2009-01-17 14:19:32] silli: moovida: are you there?
[2009-01-17 14:20:17] [INFO] You are no longer marked as away.
[2009-01-17 14:20:20] moovida: ciao silli
[2009-01-17 14:20:24] moovida: back again
[2009-01-17 14:20:55] silli: try to have jgarnett1 fixes please
[2009-01-17 14:20:59] silli: I have to go at 15
[2009-01-17 14:21:36] moovida: ok, it is running
[2009-01-17 14:21:59] moovida: it is buildign and then it should download the new geotools
[2009-01-17 14:22:01] moovida: hopefully
[2009-01-17 14:22:26] silli: do the pluging package first with java5
[2009-01-17 14:22:43] moovida: yes, absolutely
[2009-01-17 14:22:45] silli: my home connection is terrible so I prefer to download them here in the office
[2009-01-17 14:22:53] moovida: I can understand
[2009-01-17 14:23:49] silli: mauricio: are you lost in some editing part of source code?
[2009-01-17 14:24:46] silli: I experimented a new problem
[2009-01-17 14:25:10] silli: net.refractions.udig.project.render.RenderException: Exception(s) occured during rendering: Angle 1,479,251,858,674,951,700,000 is too high.
[2009-01-17 14:25:12] silli: at net.refractions.udig.render.internal.feature.basic.BasicFeatureRenderer.render(
[2009-01-17 14:25:14] silli: at net.refractions.udig.render.internal.feature.basic.BasicFeatureRenderer.render(
[2009-01-17 14:25:15] silli: at net.refractions.udig.project.internal.render.impl.RenderJob.startRendering(
[2009-01-17 14:25:16] silli: at
[2009-01-17 14:25:18] silli: at
[2009-01-17 14:25:19] silli: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Angle 1,479,251,858,674,951,700,000 is too high.
[2009-01-17 14:25:22] silli: at org.geotools.measure.AngleFormat.format(
[2009-01-17 14:25:25] silli: at org.geotools.measure.AngleFormat.format(
[2009-01-17 14:25:28] silli: at org.geotools.measure.AngleFormat.format(
[2009-01-17 14:25:30] silli: at org.geotools.measure.Angle.toString(
[2009-01-17 14:25:34] silli: at java.text.MessageFormat.subformat(
[2009-01-17 14:25:37] silli: at java.text.MessageFormat.format(
[2009-01-17 14:25:40] silli: at java.text.Format.format(
[2009-01-17 14:25:43] silli: at org.geotools.resources.IndexedResourceBundle.getString(
[2009-01-17 14:25:51] silli: at org.geotools.resources.i18n.Errors.format(
[2009-01-17 14:25:52] silli: at org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection.MapProjection.verifyGeographicRanges(
[2009-01-17 14:26:00] moovida: help :)
[2009-01-17 14:26:47] silli: moovida: did you try to reproject a Map when you fixed the WKT problem?
[2009-01-17 14:27:03] moovida: no silli
[2009-01-17 14:27:17] moovida: I didn't
[2009-01-17 14:28:00] silli: if I do it from EPSG 3003 to EPSG 32632
[2009-01-17 14:28:10] silli: I get that problem
[2009-01-17 14:29:36] moovida: :'(
[2009-01-17 14:29:41] moovida: o my God
[2009-01-17 14:30:50] silli: but after a refresh and a zoom to layer it works..
[2009-01-17 14:30:59] moovida: and I am not sure if Jody's stuff is done
[2009-01-17 14:32:13] moovida: I am restarting eclipse
[2009-01-17 14:32:36] silli: he told me one hour at 13:17
[2009-01-17 14:32:48] silli: so I suppose it is finished
[2009-01-17 14:33:26] moovida: ok, then I export and upload
[2009-01-17 14:34:53] mauricio: silli: back
[2009-01-17 14:34:56] moovida: better I do that instead of looking to the new bug, right?
[2009-01-17 14:35:04] moovida: because you will have to go soon
[2009-01-17 14:35:19] moovida: then you just download the single plugins
[2009-01-17 14:36:06] mauricio: silli: now I am in the RenderManager ^^
[2009-01-17 14:36:27] silli: should be interesting mauricio...
[2009-01-17 14:36:29] silli: :)
[2009-01-17 14:36:34] moovida: :D
[2009-01-17 14:36:57] silli: moovida: better would be if I can test something before leaving
[2009-01-17 14:37:12] moovida: Say hi to the manager from me :), I am in the SWT2AWT
[2009-01-17 14:37:14] silli: and/or have something ready to test for this evening
[2009-01-17 14:37:23] moovida: ok silli , I second that, it is exporting
[2009-01-17 14:41:39] moovida: it is zipping
[2009-01-17 14:42:50] moovida: it is uploading
[2009-01-17 14:42:54] moovida: 1%
[2009-01-17 14:44:29] moovida: 10%
[2009-01-17 14:46:50] moovida: 20%
[2009-01-17 14:46:56] silli: how many plugins are in this package?
[2009-01-17 14:47:01] silli: all or just a few?
[2009-01-17 14:47:07] moovida: again all of the udig + 3
[2009-01-17 14:47:17] moovida: it is the one with all the new geotools
[2009-01-17 14:47:18] silli: perfect
[2009-01-17 14:47:32] silli: I will set up and prepare my installation
[2009-01-17 14:47:40] moovida: silli, mauricio: could we make the point of the situation for a minute
[2009-01-17 14:47:54] moovida: I have problems to understand in the sheet what is finished and what not
[2009-01-17 14:47:56] silli: yes of course
[2009-01-17 14:48:03] moovida: I mean, greeen is finished
[2009-01-17 14:48:09] mauricio: ok
[2009-01-17 14:48:10] silli: :) I have the same from this morning...
[2009-01-17 14:48:20] moovida: great, because then I will now on what to look
[2009-01-17 14:48:33] mauricio: I am in 24 issue
[2009-01-17 14:48:45] mauricio: like this morning
[2009-01-17 14:48:50] moovida: ok, perfect
[2009-01-17 14:48:56] moovida: let me start from the begin
[2009-01-17 14:49:20] moovida: 4, 5,6?
[2009-01-17 14:49:24] silli: can we start from 1 and try to understand if colours are right and updated?
[2009-01-17 14:49:28] moovida: what's up with those?
[2009-01-17 14:49:37] moovida: silli: yes, exactly the same I would like
[2009-01-17 14:49:52] moovida: we are using the row numbers, right?
[2009-01-17 14:50:01] silli: yes
[2009-01-17 14:50:03] mauricio: yes
[2009-01-17 14:50:08] moovida: 4-5-6?
[2009-01-17 14:50:23] moovida: were these solved or will Ugo work on them?
[2009-01-17 14:50:33] silli: so 4 and 5 seems to be related to the same problem tupi was trying to solve
[2009-01-17 14:50:55] silli: I think he was still working on them, he did a Jira this morning
[2009-01-17 14:51:04] moovida: so they are still open
[2009-01-17 14:51:06] silli: so probably they are not solved
[2009-01-17 14:51:06] moovida: ok
[2009-01-17 14:51:15] moovida: then they are fine as they are
[2009-01-17 14:51:22] silli: opened but someone is working on
[2009-01-17 14:51:28] moovida: 6?
[2009-01-17 14:51:31] silli: colour orange?
[2009-01-17 14:51:34] moovida: the same I imagine
[2009-01-17 14:51:42] moovida: yes, color orange
[2009-01-17 14:51:47] moovida: the darker one
[2009-01-17 14:52:02] moovida: ok?
[2009-01-17 14:52:05] silli: 6 really don't know
[2009-01-17 14:52:16] moovida: then let's leave it like that
[2009-01-17 14:52:23] silli: orange? this is an ugly yellow please moovida
[2009-01-17 14:52:27] silli: :)
[2009-01-17 14:52:33] moovida: :D
[2009-01-17 14:52:44] moovida: I took the one jody chose
[2009-01-17 14:52:52] silli: ops...
[2009-01-17 14:52:59] mauricio: sorry
[2009-01-17 14:53:00] silli: so go on
[2009-01-17 14:53:06] silli: go mauricio
[2009-01-17 14:53:07] moovida: 8 and 9 are officially open
[2009-01-17 14:53:10] mauricio: what mean yellow
[2009-01-17 14:53:15] mauricio: ?
[2009-01-17 14:53:31] moovida: yellow would be open, but already someone wotking on it
[2009-01-17 14:53:39] mauricio: ok
[2009-01-17 14:53:42] moovida: should we use blue, so it is very different
[2009-01-17 14:53:59] moovida: ?
[2009-01-17 14:54:19] moovida: ok, look at the first 3
[2009-01-17 14:54:22] silli: yes
[2009-01-17 14:54:27] moovida: that means someone is working on it
[2009-01-17 14:54:35] silli: the third I don't really know the status
[2009-01-17 14:54:49] moovida: true, but Ugo put his name
[2009-01-17 14:54:58] moovida: so he is officially working on it
[2009-01-17 14:54:59] moovida: :)
[2009-01-17 14:55:03] silli: when... :)
[2009-01-17 14:55:04] moovida: 8-9 nobody is working
[2009-01-17 14:55:43] silli: yes I think
[2009-01-17 14:55:44] moovida: 10-13 is Jesse's stuff
[2009-01-17 14:55:52] moovida: and he is working on it
[2009-01-17 14:55:56] silli: yes but not jet finished
[2009-01-17 14:56:01] mauricio: look like need teest
[2009-01-17 14:56:01] moovida: then blue
[2009-01-17 14:56:03] mauricio: test
[2009-01-17 14:56:05] silli: yes some small things to finish
[2009-01-17 14:56:12] silli: :)
[2009-01-17 14:56:16] moovida: silli: all of those are not yet finished?
[2009-01-17 14:56:26] silli: no
[2009-01-17 14:56:32] silli: 10 is done
[2009-01-17 14:56:47] moovida: 11?
[2009-01-17 14:56:48] silli: deleted the original and kept the experimental
[2009-01-17 14:56:55] moovida: marked green
[2009-01-17 14:57:03] moovida: 11, 12 and 13?
[2009-01-17 14:57:05] moovida: ideas
[2009-01-17 14:57:06] moovida: ?
[2009-01-17 14:57:09] silli: I think 11 yes
[2009-01-17 14:57:18] silli: 12 there is just one thing
[2009-01-17 14:57:38] silli: all works if you select a layer
[2009-01-17 14:57:58] silli: if you don't have selection next and finish do not work
[2009-01-17 14:58:06] moovida: ok, then some green and the others blue
[2009-01-17 14:58:08] silli: 13 is finished
[2009-01-17 14:58:12] silli: no
[2009-01-17 14:58:13] moovida: what about 14?
[2009-01-17 14:58:14] silli: right blue
[2009-01-17 14:58:23] silli: something else
[2009-01-17 14:58:37] moovida: ?
[2009-01-17 14:58:37] silli: jesse was working on it
[2009-01-17 14:58:44] moovida: ok
[2009-01-17 14:58:56] silli: decided to put a new icon and not to filter them
[2009-01-17 14:59:10] silli: 15 I don't knwo
[2009-01-17 14:59:13] moovida: you mean 15?
[2009-01-17 14:59:26] silli: when
[2009-01-17 14:59:39] moovida: icons not shown on postgis tables?
[2009-01-17 14:59:47] silli: 14 remote tables -> new icon
[2009-01-17 14:59:52] moovida: ah, ok
[2009-01-17 14:59:58] silli: 15 -> layer icon... don't know
[2009-01-17 14:59:59] moovida: ha ha
[2009-01-17 15:00:04] silli: but now there is Jesse_Eichar
[2009-01-17 15:00:06] silli: :)
[2009-01-17 15:00:09] moovida: Jesse_Eichar: we are talking about you
[2009-01-17 15:00:10] Jesse_Eichar: hi
[2009-01-17 15:00:14] Jesse_Eichar: uh oh :)
[2009-01-17 15:00:15] silli: ciao Jesse_Eichar
[2009-01-17 15:00:18] moovida: I really missed you
[2009-01-17 15:00:21] Jesse_Eichar: sorry forgot to log in
[2009-01-17 15:00:28] moovida: one bug I can't get out
[2009-01-17 15:00:28] silli: jgarnett1: told to say hi from him!
[2009-01-17 15:00:30] Jesse_Eichar: I've been working for about an hour and have to run soon :(
[2009-01-17 15:00:38] Jesse_Eichar: ok say it
[2009-01-17 15:00:56] moovida: ok, we are trying to review the sheet
[2009-01-17 15:01:00] Jesse_Eichar: ok
[2009-01-17 15:01:04] moovida: blue == someone working on it
[2009-01-17 15:01:05] silli: moovida: how is the upload
[2009-01-17 15:01:06] Jesse_Eichar: on it
[2009-01-17 15:01:16] moovida: green == closed and tested
[2009-01-17 15:01:23] moovida: silli: finished, go for it
[2009-01-17 15:01:33] silli: same link as before?
[2009-01-17 15:01:36] moovida: orange == not started
[2009-01-17 15:01:47] moovida: yes
[2009-01-17 15:01:54] moovida: red == big problems
[2009-01-17 15:02:07] silli: moovida: there is an error
[2009-01-17 15:02:10] moovida: could you just review your tasks, we tried to set some colors
[2009-01-17 15:02:13] Jesse_Eichar: looking good
[2009-01-17 15:02:14] silli: what's the name of the zip
[2009-01-17 15:02:21] moovida: and then I ask you about the bug
[2009-01-17 15:02:43] moovida: silli:
[2009-01-17 15:02:52] moovida: you downloading from there?
[2009-01-17 15:03:06] Jesse_Eichar: ok which bug do you need help on
[2009-01-17 15:03:10] Jesse_Eichar: shapefile export in red?
[2009-01-17 15:03:12] moovida: Jesse_Eichar: you know what 15 is?
[2009-01-17 15:03:31] Jesse_Eichar: 15
[2009-01-17 15:03:32] moovida: yes, I can't get the WorkflowWizard thing to work
[2009-01-17 15:03:32] Jesse_Eichar: ...
[2009-01-17 15:03:35] Jesse_Eichar: its a number
[2009-01-17 15:03:38] moovida: :D
[2009-01-17 15:03:47] moovida: I like numbers, green then
[2009-01-17 15:04:05] moovida: also bug on row 17 is strange
[2009-01-17 15:04:09] Jesse_Eichar: row 15?
[2009-01-17 15:04:38] moovida: row 15
[2009-01-17 15:05:00] Jesse_Eichar: what is the definition of a remote layer?
[2009-01-17 15:05:18] moovida: :) no idea
[2009-01-17 15:05:25] Jesse_Eichar: hmmm
[2009-01-17 15:05:36] Jesse_Eichar: I have no idea what that means
[2009-01-17 15:05:47] moovida: I assume it is contained in some other
[2009-01-17 15:05:49] silli: hei all... I have to leave :(
[2009-01-17 15:06:04] moovida: let's just mark it green, not remove, else we lose numbering :)
[2009-01-17 15:06:07] Jesse_Eichar: k ciao silli
[2009-01-17 15:06:14] moovida: silli: thank you so much for all the testing
[2009-01-17 15:06:18] silli: ciao ciao
[2009-01-17 15:06:27] mauricio: ciao silli
[2009-01-17 15:06:31] Jesse_Eichar: 15 sounds like a postgis is not working so for example postgis from refractions doesn't show icon.
[2009-01-17 15:06:38] Jesse_Eichar: I can test that theory
[2009-01-17 15:06:53] Jesse_Eichar: I have an issue that i am working on that isn't listed there.
[2009-01-17 15:06:54] moovida: ok, same for database import, guess it is related to postgis
[2009-01-17 15:07:04] moovida: can you add it at the end?
[2009-01-17 15:07:16] Jesse_Eichar: it is the issue where connecting to refractions postgis is REALLY painful. It looks like it isn't working but it is
[2009-01-17 15:07:32] moovida: :S ?
[2009-01-17 15:07:34] Jesse_Eichar: Very end?
[2009-01-17 15:07:42] Jesse_Eichar: or end of postgis section?
[2009-01-17 15:07:49] moovida: no, before the new, if you work on it
[2009-01-17 15:08:03] moovida: we can't to postgis. because we never numbered them :)
[2009-01-17 15:08:30] moovida: and we would have a shift, which would make the svn commit comments a mess :
[2009-01-17 15:08:49] Jesse_Eichar: I am adding at end because I don't understand. organization
[2009-01-17 15:09:24] moovida: yep
[2009-01-17 15:10:22] Jesse_Eichar: added
[2009-01-17 15:10:49] moovida: ok, can we see one minute the bug
[2009-01-17 15:10:50] moovida: ?
[2009-01-17 15:10:51] Jesse_Eichar: hey have you used GIT
[2009-01-17 15:11:05] moovida: nope, no idea about who did
[2009-01-17 15:11:16] moovida: you ask because of the .git folders?
[2009-01-17 15:11:48] Jesse_Eichar: .gitignore was added but was .git folder added?
[2009-01-17 15:11:59] moovida: sorry, .gitignore
[2009-01-17 15:12:10] moovida: didn't remember exactly what I saw
[2009-01-17 15:12:17] Jesse_Eichar: yeah I added that
[2009-01-17 15:12:17] moovida: but I didn't add it, right?
[2009-01-17 15:12:27] moovida: ah, you used git
[2009-01-17 15:12:44] Jesse_Eichar: I have been using git instead of SVN and I LOVE it
[2009-01-17 15:12:47] moovida: ah, you were asking me if I ever did?
[2009-01-17 15:12:54] Jesse_Eichar: if you did
[2009-01-17 15:12:56] Jesse_Eichar: or if you like it
[2009-01-17 15:13:00] moovida: I am trying mercurial these days
[2009-01-17 15:13:05] Jesse_Eichar: (just curious, it is my latest thing)
[2009-01-17 15:13:10] moovida: which I love
[2009-01-17 15:13:16] Jesse_Eichar: Ah tried mercurial and bazaar now I am on GIT
[2009-01-17 15:13:28] moovida: you prefer that over the others?
[2009-01-17 15:13:32] Jesse_Eichar: At the time I used mercurial the SVN integration was bad so I bailed
[2009-01-17 15:13:34] avc_work: dvcs strikes again!
[2009-01-17 15:13:42] Jesse_Eichar: :) yep
[2009-01-17 15:13:57] Jesse_Eichar: I have been playing since Java because open source and I heard about mercurial
[2009-01-17 15:13:57] moovida: Git has good integration?
[2009-01-17 15:14:05] Jesse_Eichar: Git has been really good for me
[2009-01-17 15:14:09] Jesse_Eichar: completely stable
[2009-01-17 15:14:24] Jesse_Eichar: option to check out only the latest branch so you can get running really fast
[2009-01-17 15:14:49] avc_work: bah, clone of gt takes no time anyhow
[2009-01-17 15:14:54] avc_work: they all rock
[2009-01-17 15:15:01] Jesse_Eichar: really
[2009-01-17 15:15:04] avc_work: and are all getting better by the day
[2009-01-17 15:15:07] Jesse_Eichar: I waited 5 hours and Geotools was not done
[2009-01-17 15:15:21] Jesse_Eichar: (with bazaar svn plugin)
[2009-01-17 15:15:34] avc_work: ah, yes the initial conversion takes time
[2009-01-17 15:15:37] Jesse_Eichar: right
[2009-01-17 15:15:43] Jesse_Eichar: That is what I am talking about
[2009-01-17 15:15:52] avc_work: that's why you have a master clone
[2009-01-17 15:15:55] avc_work: and then pull from that
[2009-01-17 15:16:05] Jesse_Eichar: uh oh distaster in the house
[2009-01-17 15:16:08] Jesse_Eichar: got to run.
[2009-01-17 15:16:10] avc_work: ciao
[2009-01-17 15:16:21] moovida: argh
[2009-01-17 15:16:40] moovida: shit, would have been better to talk about the bug
[2009-01-17 15:20:01] CIA-16: UDig: 03aantonello * r31060 10udig/plugins/net.refractions.udig.ui/src/net/refractions/udig/ui/graphics/ fix for issue 20: incoherent legend. Fixed bitmasks that were wrong in the colormodel
[2009-01-17 15:20:22] moovida: tupi: good afternoon
[2009-01-17 15:20:28] tupi: hi
[2009-01-17 15:20:45] tupi: told u so, told u so: Fixed bitmasks that were wrong in the colormodel :-)
[2009-01-17 15:21:12] tupi: I was having a look at problems 5 and 6.
[2009-01-17 15:21:35] moovida: great, I was afraid we were overlapped
[2009-01-17 15:22:02] moovida: if you are wondring:
[2009-01-17 15:22:11] tupi: I don't have a fix, but a proposal to keep things simple and make sure the widgets look allright
[2009-01-17 15:22:35] moovida: blue==somone working on it, green==fixed,orange==no one working, red==problems
[2009-01-17 15:22:58] moovida: proposals for keeping things simple are always good
[2009-01-17 15:23:07] moovida: if they gain the same results
[2009-01-17 15:23:09] moovida: :)
[2009-01-17 15:23:14] tupi: again, I was looking at 4 and 5.
[2009-01-17 15:23:35] tupi: 6 is for poor Emily. I cannot solve this.
[2009-01-17 15:23:46] tupi: As for same results: no.
[2009-01-17 15:24:15] tupi: The logic in WMSGeoResource don't produce nice results, and won't save the planet
[2009-01-17 15:24:19] tupi: if icons are large.
[2009-01-17 15:24:46] moovida: ok
[2009-01-17 15:25:23] moovida: shoot
[2009-01-17 15:25:44] moovida: what is your proposal?
[2009-01-17 15:26:23] * moovida in the meanwhile takes issue 39
[2009-01-17 15:26:38] tupi: So we either use a default WMS icon (currently a grid_obj.gif) or live with a sick layer view.
[2009-01-17 15:27:15] tupi: I'm for the first option, as it requires no coding.
[2009-01-17 15:27:39] moovida: I would also be for that.
[2009-01-17 15:27:52] moovida: Better standard icons then ugly, misleading icons
[2009-01-17 15:28:33] tupi: Ok, so this is something like
[2009-01-17 15:28:36] moovida: adrian, could you comment that
[2009-01-17 15:28:46] moovida: you have experience in usability
[2009-01-17 15:28:59] tupi: if( icon.size != mysize)
[2009-01-17 15:29:08] tupi: return CatalogUIPlugin.getDefault().getImages().getImageDescriptor(ISharedImages.GRID_OBJ);
[2009-01-17 15:29:22] moovida: I would have done it that way tupi
[2009-01-17 15:29:30] moovida: because we do not know what comes
[2009-01-17 15:29:37] tupi: and save 150 lines of code.
[2009-01-17 15:29:39] moovida: no way to extract the right thing
[2009-01-17 15:29:50] moovida: avc_work: ping
[2009-01-17 15:30:12] tupi: No, I'd rather invest te time to get the proper large legend and draw when legendgraphic is on.
[2009-01-17 15:30:29] moovida: hmmm, he's not here
[2009-01-17 15:30:30] tupi: I had a look on that, and boy, is this complex!
[2009-01-17 15:30:46] moovida: oh oh
[2009-01-17 15:31:01] moovida: also because I can not imagine that texts will be nice
[2009-01-17 15:31:08] moovida: if rasterized and scaled
[2009-01-17 15:31:13] moovida: right?
[2009-01-17 15:32:50] tupi: it simply won't fit.
[2009-01-17 15:33:17] moovida: yep
[2009-01-17 15:33:20] tupi: WMS delivers legends that are to be used in maps, not in tiny layer lists and wizards.
[2009-01-17 15:33:44] tupi: But, if the WMS returns an img 16x16, then it looks wonderful :-)
[2009-01-17 15:34:03] tupi: I think Jody and Jesse have to comment on that.
[2009-01-17 15:34:27] moovida: :)let's do a background request for evey layer at a time, zoomed out enough to be 16x16
[2009-01-17 15:34:38] moovida: then we have our icon
[2009-01-17 15:34:46] moovida: i completely agree with you
[2009-01-17 15:34:56] moovida: let's leave that to them
[2009-01-17 15:35:34] tupi: OK.
[2009-01-17 15:35:45] tupi: Looks like you're battling alone today.
[2009-01-17 15:35:59] moovida: :) I have the same feeling, yes
[2009-01-17 15:36:22] moovida: are you leaving?
[2009-01-17 15:36:34] tupi: :-(
[2009-01-17 15:36:36] moovida: mauricio is still here though
[2009-01-17 15:36:43] mauricio: yes
[2009-01-17 15:36:54] moovida: are you staying another bit?
[2009-01-17 15:36:57] tupi: here and reading :-)
[2009-01-17 15:37:48] moovida: it could be that Argentina-Italy go on
[2009-01-17 15:38:10] mauricio: we are hard men
[2009-01-17 15:38:14] mauricio: ;)
[2009-01-17 15:38:16] tupi: Well, I'm around. i'm at home and can't hang out in front of the computer.
[2009-01-17 15:38:28] moovida: lol, you say it!!
[2009-01-17 15:38:52] moovida: tupi: aha, so from timeto time you pass by
[2009-01-17 15:39:05] moovida: and tell us how nice it is to drink beer in the garden?
[2009-01-17 15:39:07] moovida: :D
[2009-01-17 15:39:26] tupi: no, i was out. came in and went straight to wmsgeoresourceimpl...
[2009-01-17 15:39:43] tupi: drink beer? not with this weather!
[2009-01-17 15:39:44] moovida: ups, I think I got your thing wrong :)
[2009-01-17 15:39:55] moovida: hwo many degrees in Bonn
[2009-01-17 15:40:06] moovida: (are you in Bonn?)
[2009-01-17 15:40:16] tupi: above 0. probably 4 or 5. Yep, in Bonn.
[2009-01-17 15:40:27] moovida: Italy is sun today, very nice weather
[2009-01-17 15:40:37] moovida: perfect to be locked in a code sprint
[2009-01-17 15:41:02] tupi: It's cloudy, grey, as a code sprint requires.
[2009-01-17 15:41:12] moovida: lucky you :)
[2009-01-17 15:41:42] moovida: ok, I wil try to understand why the shapefiles do not reseh and recreate indexes
[2009-01-17 15:41:47] moovida: issue 39
[2009-01-17 15:42:07] moovida: please from time to time say something, so i will not feel alone
[2009-01-17 15:42:31] tupi: good luck. I'm reading the table and will look at stuff. if i find somethng i understand, I'll have a go.
[2009-01-17 15:42:50] tupi: Sounds like: "keep talking so I don't sleep" :-)
[2009-01-17 15:42:55] moovida: lol
[2009-01-17 15:43:16] moovida: something like, let's control each other
[2009-01-17 15:43:23] moovida: :D
[2009-01-17 15:44:33] =-= aaime|away is now known as aaime
[2009-01-17 15:51:38] avc_work: moovida, pong
[2009-01-17 15:53:17] moovida: hi adrian, wanted to know about teh WMS legend stuff Ugo was working on and what would be best to do
[2009-01-17 15:53:26] moovida: perhaps you have better user experience
[2009-01-17 15:53:28] avc_work: no idea bout the usuability thing
[2009-01-17 15:53:35] avc_work: don't even understand the issue
[2009-01-17 15:53:37] avc_work: sorry
[2009-01-17 15:53:44] moovida: no problem
[2009-01-17 15:53:57] moovida: we'll leave that to J&J
[2009-01-17 15:54:12] avc_work: when you give me a build, if I see something I don't like, I'll file a bug...
[2009-01-17 15:54:30] moovida: ok, but that will not be before tomorrow
[2009-01-17 15:54:35] avc_work: ooooh. J&J the fixit people because they make everything better. I like it
[2009-01-17 15:54:47] moovida: :)
[2009-01-17 15:55:02] avc_work: not unless one of you folks can actually build a release
[2009-01-17 15:55:04] moovida: Jody and Jesse, the java brothers
[2009-01-17 15:55:16] avc_work: that would have been the place to start, me thinks
[2009-01-17 15:55:28] moovida: the release build?
[2009-01-17 15:56:13] moovida: hmmm, point of view
[2009-01-17 15:56:38] moovida: I wanted first to see how much is ok and how much is missing
[2009-01-17 16:34:02] aborruso: hy people thank you for your debug work
[2009-01-17 16:36:09] moovida: hi andrea
[2009-01-17 16:36:14] tupi: hello aborruso.
[2009-01-17 16:36:17] moovida: hi andreaS in fact
[2009-01-17 16:36:24] moovida: didn't notice mr. Aime
[2009-01-17 16:36:31] moovida: ciao aaime
[2009-01-17 16:36:35] tupi: have a question for you.
[2009-01-17 16:36:48] aborruso: Andrea is a tipic uDig name
[2009-01-17 16:36:53] aborruso: :-)
[2009-01-17 16:36:55] aaime: Hi all
[2009-01-17 16:37:23] aborruso: hi andrea, ugo andrea
[2009-01-17 16:37:58] moovida: :)
[2009-01-17 16:38:37] tupi: hi. pleas have a look at uncoherent legend. there's a jira issue with a screenshot.
[2009-01-17 16:39:04] aborruso: ok I go there
[2009-01-17 16:39:11] moovida: tupi: wasn't that fixed by me?
[2009-01-17 16:39:13] tupi: I think i had barely understood the problem, then someone mentioned a fix (moovida?)
[2009-01-17 16:39:24] moovida: ah, ok
[2009-01-17 16:39:27] tupi: yes. you fixed it for sure?
[2009-01-17 16:39:32] moovida: I thought I had it wrong :)
[2009-01-17 16:39:38] moovida: for me it workes
[2009-01-17 16:39:44] moovida: and didn't before
[2009-01-17 16:39:46] tupi: no. have you checked in?
[2009-01-17 16:40:05] moovida: yes, it was the AWTSWTUtils class I checked in
[2009-01-17 16:40:10] moovida: something like that
[2009-01-17 16:40:38] [ERROR] Unknown command ``plugins/net.refractions.udig.ui/src/net/refractions/udig/ui/graphics/''.
[2009-01-17 16:40:45] aborruso: are you talking about issue 20?
[2009-01-17 16:40:48] moovida:
[2009-01-17 16:40:52] moovida: that was it
[2009-01-17 16:40:53] tupi: checking...
[2009-01-17 16:40:58] moovida: it should fix the thing
[2009-01-17 16:41:15] moovida: the bitmap masks were wrong
[2009-01-17 16:41:26] moovida: now it makes colors right and also with transparency
[2009-01-17 16:41:30] tupi: yep. issue 21 is probably dead.
[2009-01-17 16:41:33] tupi: thanks.
[2009-01-17 16:41:58] moovida: it is blue just because no one tested it
[2009-01-17 16:41:58] aborruso: thank you
[2009-01-17 16:42:07] aborruso: I cannot test it
[2009-01-17 16:42:11] aborruso: because
[2009-01-17 16:42:36] moovida: ?
[2009-01-17 16:42:41] aborruso: I'm not able to installa properly uDig in ubuntu
[2009-01-17 16:43:05] moovida: theplugins are here
[2009-01-17 16:43:14] moovida: what doesn't work for you in ubuntu?
[2009-01-17 16:43:19] moovida: you need the jre?
[2009-01-17 16:43:30] aborruso: wait
[2009-01-17 16:43:35] aborruso: pleae
[2009-01-17 16:44:22] aborruso: I have problem
[2009-01-17 16:44:24] aborruso: with ImageIO-EXT
[2009-01-17 16:44:27] aborruso: but
[2009-01-17 16:44:54] aborruso: I do not know if it's related to the build of the legende
[2009-01-17 16:45:42] moovida: I am working without install right now
[2009-01-17 16:45:50] moovida: I mean imageio-ext
[2009-01-17 16:45:55] aborruso: ok
[2009-01-17 16:46:07] moovida: first I want to see how it works without
[2009-01-17 16:46:08] aborruso: Now I download your plugins
[2009-01-17 16:46:25] moovida: I already have one issue that could be related to that, but I leave it at the end
[2009-01-17 16:46:43] moovida: things are supposed to work also without that
[2009-01-17 16:46:55] moovida: and work 1000 times better with that
[2009-01-17 16:47:35] aborruso: do I must extract your plugings and replace those I have
[2009-01-17 16:47:38] aborruso: ?
[2009-01-17 16:47:49] moovida: yes,but a warning
[2009-01-17 16:47:56] moovida: tehnew ones are all jars
[2009-01-17 16:48:11] moovida: where the old ones are mostly jars and a few folders
[2009-01-17 16:48:48] tupi: moovida?
[2009-01-17 16:48:55] moovida: yes tupi
[2009-01-17 16:48:58] aborruso: my attention to the folders?
[2009-01-17 16:49:04] moovida: please do not tell me it doesn't work :)
[2009-01-17 16:49:16] tupi: it does! :-)=)
[2009-01-17 16:49:28] moovida: thank God :)
[2009-01-17 16:49:33] moovida: I was terrified
[2009-01-17 16:49:41] moovida: it goes green then!!
[2009-01-17 16:50:17] moovida: aborruso: youhave to pay attention, because some net.udig* are folders in the plugin folder
[2009-01-17 16:50:31] aborruso: ok
[2009-01-17 16:50:34] moovida: and you will have to remove it else iyou will have two of them
[2009-01-17 16:50:41] moovida: if you just overwrite
[2009-01-17 16:50:49] moovida: by coping the new into teh plugins folder
[2009-01-17 16:52:07] moovida: tupi: I have still the 19 issue
[2009-01-17 16:52:26] moovida: could you try to hit the libs refresh.xml and see what happens
[2009-01-17 16:52:33] aborruso: i.e I msut delete com.lowagie.itext_1.2.0 folder
[2009-01-17 16:52:51] moovida: Jody was redeploying geotools, but I am not sure it ever came to an end
[2009-01-17 16:53:06] moovida: aborruso: exactly
[2009-01-17 16:57:59] tupi: moovida? i think you forgot a println in AWTSWTUtils line 108
[2009-01-17 16:58:13] moovida: argh, I notice but didn't commit
[2009-01-17 16:59:09] moovida: committing right now
[2009-01-17 16:59:23] moovida: should be ok now
[2009-01-17 16:59:29] CIA-16: UDig: 03aantonello * r31061 10udig/plugins/net.refractions.udig.ui/src/net/refractions/udig/ui/graphics/ removed system.out
[2009-01-17 17:00:50] aborruso: great work
[2009-01-17 17:00:55] aborruso: only a question
[2009-01-17 17:00:59] aborruso: is it normal
[2009-01-17 17:01:03] aborruso: that
[2009-01-17 17:01:17] * moovida is afraid
[2009-01-17 17:01:20] aborruso: if I change the colors of my layer
[2009-01-17 17:01:33] aborruso: the legende
[2009-01-17 17:01:38] aborruso: still remain
[2009-01-17 17:01:43] aborruso: the same
[2009-01-17 17:01:47] aborruso: ?
[2009-01-17 17:02:00] moovida: good question, the change of style refreshes that layer
[2009-01-17 17:02:14] moovida: to refresh everything you need to hit the refresh button
[2009-01-17 17:02:15] tupi: this is another problem.
[2009-01-17 17:02:25] tupi: the legend doesn't refresh after style change.
[2009-01-17 17:02:36] moovida: probably if a legend is active, it should also refresh the legend, right
[2009-01-17 17:02:38] tupi: you must refresh the map, i.. pan the map
[2009-01-17 17:02:56] aborruso: Do I must write this minor bug in our list?
[2009-01-17 17:03:18] moovida: yes, I think that woud be a good idea
[2009-01-17 17:03:28] aborruso: thank you for all
[2009-01-17 17:03:33] aborruso: I'm going to do that
[2009-01-17 17:03:43] moovida: if one of us needs some rest, he add the refresh for the legend layer
[2009-01-17 17:03:55] moovida: I am just wondering what happens for layers like postgis
[2009-01-17 17:04:05] moovida: wwhat happens in udig 1.1?
[2009-01-17 17:04:15] moovida: does the legend refresh automatically?
[2009-01-17 17:11:05] tupi: All right. I think I'm off again.
[2009-01-17 17:11:32] tupi: aborruso: make sure you stay there and keep moovida moving.
[2009-01-17 17:11:40] moovida: lol
[2009-01-17 17:11:45] moovida: yes please
[2009-01-17 17:12:07] moovida: and don't forget mauricio , without him we will never create a decent shapefile
[2009-01-17 17:12:14] moovida: go mauricio, go!
[2009-01-17 17:12:21] mauricio: haha
[2009-01-17 17:12:33] mauricio: I live
[2009-01-17 17:12:38] moovida: :D
[2009-01-17 17:12:50] moovida: tupi, when do we see you again?
[2009-01-17 17:12:51] aborruso: eheheh
[2009-01-17 17:12:57] tupi: cheers und ciao.
[2009-01-17 17:13:00] moovida: any chance to get you here in teh weekedn?
[2009-01-17 17:13:19] aborruso: ciao tupi
[2009-01-17 17:13:24] aborruso: grazie!!!
[2009-01-17 17:14:02] tupi: i might be around tomorrow.
[2009-01-17 17:14:19] moovida: ok, perhaps then
[2009-01-17 17:14:23] tupi: but latest on moday. back to my day job.
[2009-01-17 17:14:27] tupi: tchau!
[2009-01-17 17:14:37] moovida: Tschuess
[2009-01-17 17:15:12] aborruso: I'm not able to use freehand tools
[2009-01-17 17:15:42] moovida: really? It work great for me
[2009-01-17 17:16:05] moovida: wow, also for polygons
[2009-01-17 17:16:10] moovida: quick like the light
[2009-01-17 17:16:11] aborruso: i do not have jai
[2009-01-17 17:16:21] moovida: ah, that is another problem :)
[2009-01-17 17:16:29] aborruso: ok
[2009-01-17 17:21:54] moovida: mauricio: do you have anidea about why when reset is triggered from catalog, the indexes are not rebuilt?
[2009-01-17 17:22:26] mauricio: actualy no
[2009-01-17 17:22:43] moovida: I have
[2009-01-17 17:22:52] moovida: no idea where to look
[2009-01-17 17:23:09] moovida: the reset seems to remove - recreate and readd the service properly
[2009-01-17 17:23:22] moovida: but the indexes are not built
[2009-01-17 17:23:27] mauricio: yes
[2009-01-17 17:25:53] moovida: ok, I will start on issue 43 and see if on that way I find some odd things that solve also this one :)
[2009-01-17 17:32:22] moovida: mauricio: sorry, did you ever try error 43?
[2009-01-17 17:32:30] moovida: does it behave as error also for you?
[2009-01-17 17:33:09] moovida: it works for me
[2009-01-17 17:33:24] moovida: and I assume it is because I am using the Italian gui
[2009-01-17 17:33:31] mauricio: sorry
[2009-01-17 17:34:01] moovida: uff, I just restarted with -nl en and it works anyway...
[2009-01-17 17:34:12] moovida: can't reproduce the error
[2009-01-17 17:34:21] mauricio: silli report this
[2009-01-17 17:34:21] moovida: aborruso: what about you?
[2009-01-17 17:34:35] moovida: I remember you tried the river shape
[2009-01-17 17:34:47] mauricio: yes
[2009-01-17 17:34:48] moovida: mauricio, and you were saying it is strange
[2009-01-17 17:35:26] moovida: so you have the bug?
[2009-01-17 17:35:38] moovida: you an't see the table of attributes?
[2009-01-17 17:36:16] mauricio: I cannot see the table attributes
[2009-01-17 17:36:27] moovida: really?
[2009-01-17 17:36:45] moovida: you are on linux?
[2009-01-17 17:36:51] mauricio: but if the shp has the index
[2009-01-17 17:37:08] mauricio: the table work
[2009-01-17 17:37:23] moovida: by index you mean qix, fix?
[2009-01-17 17:37:33] aborruso: I'm here
[2009-01-17 17:37:35] aborruso: sorry
[2009-01-17 17:37:53] mauricio: yes
[2009-01-17 17:38:12] mauricio: I will confirm that
[2009-01-17 17:38:17] mauricio: wait
[2009-01-17 17:38:20] mauricio: please
[2009-01-17 17:38:24] moovida: sure
[2009-01-17 17:40:27] aborruso: where is the river shapefile?
[2009-01-17 17:40:47] aborruso: I do not have it in walkthorugh 1 example data
[2009-01-17 17:41:37] moovida: it is in the attachments of the wiki page
[2009-01-17 17:41:49] aborruso: ok
[2009-01-17 17:41:50] aborruso: sorry
[2009-01-17 17:41:56] moovida: np
[2009-01-17 17:41:58] aborruso: I was in editgrid
[2009-01-17 17:44:20] aborruso: I have this italian error "Si è verificato un errore durante il caricamento delle features nella tabella:null"
[2009-01-17 17:44:33] mauricio: moovida: I have tested with index, the table view have problems
[2009-01-17 17:45:06] moovida: hmpf, I have no problem
[2009-01-17 17:45:18] moovida: so, if you remove the qix and fix, iot works
[2009-01-17 17:45:23] moovida: iot==it
[2009-01-17 17:45:45] moovida: right?
[2009-01-17 17:45:57] mauricio: I will try
[2009-01-17 17:46:05] moovida: and you want to know the best thing?
[2009-01-17 17:46:17] moovida: issue 44 soen't exist for me
[2009-01-17 17:46:25] moovida: I can edit that shapefile
[2009-01-17 17:46:32] mauricio: good
[2009-01-17 17:46:32] moovida: :(
[2009-01-17 17:46:47] moovida: not sure, if I am the only one who can
[2009-01-17 17:47:49] moovida: yes, I tried both save and commit
[2009-01-17 17:47:53] aborruso: I'm able to see the attribute table for one second and then I have the above error
[2009-01-17 17:47:56] moovida: and they work like a charm
[2009-01-17 17:48:12] moovida: aaaargh, why me, why me?
[2009-01-17 17:48:15] moovida: :)
[2009-01-17 17:48:32] moovida: then probably you also can't edit it, right?
[2009-01-17 17:48:33] aborruso: I have used also ogr2ogr to build a new shapefile starting from river
[2009-01-17 17:48:41] aborruso: and I have the same error
[2009-01-17 17:49:00] moovida: hmmm, mauricio, did you try the index files removal?
[2009-01-17 17:49:54] aborruso: When I commit I have an error
[2009-01-17 17:50:07] mauricio: moovida: yes
[2009-01-17 17:50:07] moovida: ok, then at least we know it is related
[2009-01-17 17:50:22] moovida: now I just need the error here
[2009-01-17 17:50:38] moovida: mauricio: yes means with indexes == ok, without == error?
[2009-01-17 17:50:40] mauricio: I remove the index, then the layer river was load
[2009-01-17 17:51:05] moovida: ? then the other way round?
[2009-01-17 17:51:13] moovida: with index == ok
[2009-01-17 17:51:24] moovida: sorry, wrong
[2009-01-17 17:51:29] moovida: I'm getting confused
[2009-01-17 17:52:01] mauricio: anyway te table does not show the data
[2009-01-17 17:52:21] moovida: in which of the two cases?
[2009-01-17 17:52:29] mauricio: both
[2009-01-17 17:52:54] moovida: aha, which locale are you using?
[2009-01-17 17:53:02] moovida: on the machine and for udig
[2009-01-17 17:53:13] mauricio: us
[2009-01-17 17:53:16] aborruso: it
[2009-01-17 17:53:35] moovida: ok, aborruso it for linux and aso for udig gui?
[2009-01-17 17:53:53] aborruso: yes
[2009-01-17 17:54:16] moovida: I start to cry, I have no idea on what it depends...
[2009-01-17 17:54:44] aborruso: (I do not have JAI)
[2009-01-17 17:54:47] aborruso: please
[2009-01-17 17:54:49] aborruso: do not cry
[2009-01-17 17:54:54] aborruso: :-D
[2009-01-17 17:55:06] moovida: :) did you try to set a different charset of the shapefile?
[2009-01-17 17:55:08] aborruso: you could sing ;-)
[2009-01-17 17:55:20] moovida: in the data menu
[2009-01-17 17:55:25] moovida: lol
[2009-01-17 17:55:26] aborruso: ok
[2009-01-17 17:55:27] aborruso: wait
[2009-01-17 17:55:32] moovida: I will if we solve this
[2009-01-17 17:57:50] moovida: hei, it gives an error
[2009-01-17 17:58:04] moovida: perhaps that is part of the problem
[2009-01-17 17:59:34] moovida: I have the error
[2009-01-17 17:59:36] moovida: yeppa
[2009-01-17 17:59:47] moovida: if I change the charset to utf8 I get it
[2009-01-17 18:00:04] moovida: the original charset it gives me for that stuff is: windows-1252
[2009-01-17 18:00:09] moovida: what the hell is that?
[2009-01-17 18:00:32] moovida: aborruso: I assume you were not able to change the charset, right?
[2009-01-17 18:02:09] aborruso: sorry
[2009-01-17 18:02:12] aborruso: the phone
[2009-01-17 18:03:14] aborruso: I find the possibility to change the charset in uDig data menu??
[2009-01-17 18:03:35] moovida: data-> resources
[2009-01-17 18:03:52] moovida: you have to select the shapefile in the catalog view
[2009-01-17 18:03:56] moovida: to get it active
[2009-01-17 18:04:50] aborruso: I click on it
[2009-01-17 18:04:52] aborruso: and I do not have any windows
[2009-01-17 18:04:55] aborruso: windows
[2009-01-17 18:04:57] aborruso: window
[2009-01-17 18:05:00] aborruso: arg
[2009-01-17 18:05:06] moovida: ok, that is because I have an error
[2009-01-17 18:05:10] moovida: but I fixed it
[2009-01-17 18:05:20] moovida: let me export just that plugin for you and then you try
[2009-01-17 18:05:29] aborruso: thank you
[2009-01-17 18:07:15] moovida: it is coming per mail
[2009-01-17 18:07:31] aborruso: wow
[2009-01-17 18:07:38] moovida: :)
[2009-01-17 18:07:43] aborruso: a plugin only for me
[2009-01-17 18:08:02] moovida: only for your eyes :)
[2009-01-17 18:09:34] moovida: brb, phone
[2009-01-17 18:10:11] aborruso: ok
[2009-01-17 18:10:16] aborruso: I have utf 8
[2009-01-17 18:11:12] aborruso: I have set windows-1252
[2009-01-17 18:11:14] aborruso: and now
[2009-01-17 18:11:19] aborruso: ...
[2009-01-17 18:11:20] aborruso: :-D
[2009-01-17 18:11:23] aborruso: YEZ
[2009-01-17 18:11:31] aborruso: I see the attributes
[2009-01-17 18:13:03] aborruso: for moovida:
[2009-01-17 18:15:36] moovida: lol
[2009-01-17 18:15:41] moovida: I am dying
[2009-01-17 18:15:56] moovida: Yeppa, two bug s in one?
[2009-01-17 18:16:02] moovida: can you edit now?
[2009-01-17 18:16:11] * moovida at phone again :(
[2009-01-17 18:16:31] aborruso: and I can edit it too
[2009-01-17 18:21:32] moovida: great!
[2009-01-17 18:21:44] moovida: I am very happy now
[2009-01-17 18:21:58] moovida: two piccions with a fave!
[2009-01-17 18:22:01] moovida: :D
[2009-01-17 18:22:33] moovida: but we need a better message
[2009-01-17 18:22:42] moovida: to get users to do this
[2009-01-17 18:22:47] moovida: character change
[2009-01-17 18:22:52] moovida: let me check
[2009-01-17 18:31:10] aborruso: Now I must go away
[2009-01-17 18:31:15] aborruso: thank you all
[2009-01-17 18:32:05] aborruso: It was a good thing this first code sprint
[2009-01-17 18:32:42] aborruso: I hope to be a stonger user in the next
[2009-01-17 18:32:52] aborruso: have a nice sunday
[2009-01-17 18:33:32] moovida: ciao aborruso , thanks for the help
[2009-01-17 18:33:36] moovida: has been a good start
[2009-01-17 18:33:40] moovida: ciao
[2009-01-17 18:47:39] moovida: emily_g: yeppa, you are back!
[2009-01-17 18:48:13] emily_g: for a bit ; I was going to test the geotools patch jody made
[2009-01-17 18:48:17] emily_g: how are you ?
[2009-01-17 18:48:32] moovida: fine, we solved quite some stuf
[2009-01-17 18:48:44] moovida: about Jody's patch
[2009-01-17 18:48:57] emily_g: excellent
[2009-01-17 18:49:02] moovida: I think something went wrong with the deployment of geotools
[2009-01-17 18:49:17] moovida: and he went to bed before the thing finished
[2009-01-17 18:49:36] moovida: I refreshed the libs, but the new fix doesn't seem to be there
[2009-01-17 18:50:04] moovida: are you able to redeploy geotools to get Jody's fixes in?
[2009-01-17 18:50:05] emily_g: I think there is another bug; I refreshed libs and one of the problems is gone, but the map still is color properly when you restart
[2009-01-17 18:50:31] moovida: you mean the map is all one color?
[2009-01-17 18:50:38] emily_g: I was going to look into it
[2009-01-17 18:50:43] emily_g: yes the map is a single color
[2009-01-17 18:50:57] moovida: yes, I thought Jody had solved that as last thing
[2009-01-17 18:51:11] moovida: and it didn;t go in the new geotools
[2009-01-17 18:51:28] moovida: because I still have the labels over legend problem
[2009-01-17 18:51:30] emily_g: hmm okay ; I don't have a checkout of geotools with me
[2009-01-17 18:56:37] moovida: emily_g: do you have an idea about why the shapefile catalog resource, when reset, doesn't recreate the index files fix and qix?
[2009-01-17 18:57:27] emily_g: off the top of my head no; but I can look into it
[2009-01-17 18:58:06] moovida: the reset action substitutes the shp service
[2009-01-17 18:58:15] moovida: i.e. removes-recreates-adds
[2009-01-17 18:58:38] moovida: but i do not know were it is supposed to trigger the index creation
[2009-01-17 19:02:44] emily_g: I will look and see if I can find anything
[2009-01-17 19:04:37] moovida: thanks emily_g, I am away for half an hour
[2009-01-17 19:05:05] [INFO] You are now marked as away (I'm not here right now.). Click the nickname button or use the |/back| command to return from being away.
[2009-01-17 19:06:53] silli: ciao to all...
[2009-01-17 19:11:41] silli: moovida: are you there?
[2009-01-17 19:21:44] emily_g: silli -he said was away for 1/2 an hour; I think he will be back
[2009-01-17 19:22:36] silli: ok no problem, thanks emily_g
[2009-01-17 19:22:57] silli: I will go to dinner and join in one ore again
[2009-01-17 19:23:14] silli: mauricio: moovida my congratulations for solving the River problems...
[2009-01-17 19:23:55] silli: I still have the rendering problem with maps with theme when restart udig
[2009-01-17 19:24:13] silli: it seemed jgarnett1 solved it but I still have problems
[2009-01-17 19:24:37] mauricio: hahah
[2009-01-17 19:25:07] mauricio: I think it was solved witout our help
[2009-01-17 19:25:18] silli: mauricio: I have a problem also in editing
[2009-01-17 19:25:47] silli: did you tried to edit some other shapefiles after editing and committed one?
[2009-01-17 19:26:04] silli: nothing seems to work after the first commit
[2009-01-17 19:26:54] mauricio: right now I am doing a many commit
[2009-01-17 19:27:01] silli: :)
[2009-01-17 19:27:03] mauricio: in bc_border layer
[2009-01-17 19:27:15] mauricio: to test 14
[2009-01-17 19:27:20] mauricio: sorry 24
[2009-01-17 19:27:43] mauricio: It goes well
[2009-01-17 19:28:04] mauricio: what is your test case?
[2009-01-17 19:28:11] mauricio: data test?
[2009-01-17 19:29:32] silli: try to load together in a new map
[2009-01-17 19:29:48] silli: bc_borders and bc_voting_areas
[2009-01-17 19:29:52] silli: or an other one
[2009-01-17 19:29:55] mauricio: ok
[2009-01-17 19:30:01] silli: then edit the bc_border
[2009-01-17 19:30:06] silli: and commit the changes
[2009-01-17 19:30:16] mauricio: ok
[2009-01-17 19:30:22] silli: then select the other shape and try to edit it
[2009-01-17 19:31:23] silli: what happens mauricio
[2009-01-17 19:32:12] mauricio: (I need reset my environment)
[2009-01-17 19:34:39] silli: mauricio: are you planning to work also this evenging?
[2009-01-17 19:35:00] mauricio: probably no
[2009-01-17 19:35:05] silli: I have to leave now for more or less 1 one (hope less...) then come back to test all
[2009-01-17 19:35:14] mauricio: I work all day ;)
[2009-01-17 19:35:36] mauricio: I need a meal (and your wine)
[2009-01-17 19:35:38] silli: :) I saw it... thanks
[2009-01-17 19:35:48] silli: :) me too!!
[2009-01-17 19:35:49] mauricio: :)
[2009-01-17 19:36:19] mauricio: well, loading layers
[2009-01-17 19:36:24] silli: wow
[2009-01-17 19:36:39] silli: I will wait for your test before going
[2009-01-17 19:36:45] mauricio: voting and border
[2009-01-17 19:36:57] silli: yes
[2009-01-17 19:37:02] silli: edit border before
[2009-01-17 19:37:11] mauricio: ok
[2009-01-17 19:38:35] mauricio: I cannot edit!
[2009-01-17 19:38:53] silli: yes!
[2009-01-17 19:39:00] silli: this is a problem...
[2009-01-17 19:39:24] silli: and it happens to all the other layers after the first editing are committed
[2009-01-17 19:39:45] mauricio: I cannot bealive, other bug
[2009-01-17 19:40:03] silli: sad but true...
[2009-01-17 19:40:04] silli: :(
[2009-01-17 19:41:11] silli: we can add to the list and after you solved your issue probably if you have tome you should solve also this
[2009-01-17 19:41:11] silli: so you can do your things with calm
[2009-01-17 19:42:54] mauricio: good thank
[2009-01-17 19:43:13] silli: mauricio: I go now, I will report this bug later in the spreadsheet
[2009-01-17 19:43:22] silli: thanks and good evening...
[2009-01-17 19:43:23] mauricio: ok
[2009-01-17 19:43:29] mauricio: ciao
[2009-01-17 19:43:33] silli: ciao
[2009-01-17 20:20:29] [INFO] You are no longer marked as away.
[2009-01-17 20:23:18] [INFO] irc://freenode/udig: will now open at startup.
[2009-01-17 20:23:49] moovida: mauricio: another bug?
[2009-01-17 20:24:02] moovida: is it related to charset or stuff you are doing?
[2009-01-17 20:24:05] mauricio: yes
[2009-01-17 20:25:14] moovida: you mean yes == stuff you are doing?
[2009-01-17 20:25:28] mauricio: silli: found that if you add two layers on map you cannot edit
[2009-01-17 20:25:38] mauricio: I think the proble is
[2009-01-17 20:25:58] mauricio: that you cannot select the layer to edit
[2009-01-17 20:26:09] mauricio: the proyect view
[2009-01-17 20:26:28] mauricio: does not present the layers in the treeview
[2009-01-17 20:26:43] mauricio: the you can select the layer to edit
[2009-01-17 20:26:54] moovida: oh, I thought that was on purpose
[2009-01-17 20:26:56] mauricio: the= then
[2009-01-17 20:27:04] moovida: the layers are in the lyer view
[2009-01-17 20:27:15] moovida: and the maps in the project view
[2009-01-17 20:27:24] moovida: and I can select a layer
[2009-01-17 20:27:30] moovida: with two maps open
[2009-01-17 20:27:44] moovida: and I can edit one of the two loaded layers
[2009-01-17 20:27:57] moovida: so I am not sure I understand the problem
[2009-01-17 20:27:59] mauricio: the test case is
[2009-01-17 20:28:08] mauricio: two layers in the same map
[2009-01-17 20:28:29] moovida: ok, have that
[2009-01-17 20:28:36] moovida: countries and rivers
[2009-01-17 20:28:40] mauricio: ok
[2009-01-17 20:29:09] mauricio: Can you see that layer in the Projects View?
[2009-01-17 20:29:22] moovida: no, but I think that is ok
[2009-01-17 20:29:29] moovida: I want layers only in the layer view
[2009-01-17 20:29:35] moovida: and maps in the projects view
[2009-01-17 20:29:44] moovida: there had been a discussion and
[2009-01-17 20:30:01] moovida: I do not remember well, but I thing they decided to remove the redundancy
[2009-01-17 20:30:15] mauricio: well
[2009-01-17 20:30:21] mauricio: that is the problem
[2009-01-17 20:30:28] mauricio: I remember that
[2009-01-17 20:30:49] mauricio: if you not select the layer in the project view
[2009-01-17 20:31:07] mauricio: you cannot apply any tool
[2009-01-17 20:31:10] moovida: layer == map?
[2009-01-17 20:31:30] mauricio: layer==layer
[2009-01-17 20:31:37] moovida: excuse me I seem to not understand
[2009-01-17 20:31:56] moovida: but why don't I select it in the layer view?
[2009-01-17 20:32:01] mauricio: I understand the idea
[2009-01-17 20:32:38] mauricio: it could be an implementation
[2009-01-17 20:32:57] mauricio: but maybe it is not complete
[2009-01-17 20:33:15] moovida: how do I reproduce the problem then?
[2009-01-17 20:33:41] mauricio: example:
[2009-01-17 20:34:10] mauricio: add a bc_border on a map
[2009-01-17 20:34:30] mauricio: so add bc_voting on the same map
[2009-01-17 20:34:47] moovida: done
[2009-01-17 20:35:00] mauricio: then select select one to edit
[2009-01-17 20:35:12] mauricio: it it work
[2009-01-17 20:35:20] moovida: yes
[2009-01-17 20:35:29] mauricio: select the other layer
[2009-01-17 20:35:43] moovida: keeping the tool on?
[2009-01-17 20:36:03] mauricio: can you edit a feature in the second layer?
[2009-01-17 20:36:47] moovida: it activates the line I select for editing
[2009-01-17 20:36:55] moovida: and I can move vertices
[2009-01-17 20:37:13] moovida: on the console I get a NPE
[2009-01-17 20:37:20] mauricio: well . ..
[2009-01-17 20:37:21] mauricio: commit
[2009-01-17 20:37:25] moovida: No points associated with ()
[2009-01-17 20:37:28] moovida: ok
[2009-01-17 20:37:37] mauricio: and try the same in the other layer
[2009-01-17 20:38:13] mauricio: how was?
[2009-01-17 20:38:28] moovida: commit was ok
[2009-01-17 20:38:38] moovida: now going to reselect the first layer
[2009-01-17 20:38:54] moovida: ha ha!
[2009-01-17 20:38:59] moovida: now you got me!
[2009-01-17 20:39:13] mauricio: :)
[2009-01-17 20:39:17] moovida: and it doesn't throw any exception
[2009-01-17 20:39:29] moovida: thanks for being patient
[2009-01-17 20:39:31] moovida: :)
[2009-01-17 20:40:13] emily_g: moovida - I know why the shapefile indexes don't get recreated when you reset the georesource
[2009-01-17 20:40:21] emily_g: it's a geotools "feature"
[2009-01-17 20:40:26] moovida: emily_g: you are my hero!
[2009-01-17 20:40:36] emily_g: (I never said I could fix it!)
[2009-01-17 20:40:40] moovida: :D
[2009-01-17 20:40:48] emily_g: The first time you create a shapefile resource it uses the
[2009-01-17 20:41:00] emily_g: geotools ShapeFileDataSToreFactory
[2009-01-17 20:41:14] emily_g: this factory caches connections to resources
[2009-01-17 20:41:47] emily_g: so the second time you ask for the resource you are getting the one you got the first time (which thinks it already has the index)
[2009-01-17 20:42:11] moovida: aha
[2009-01-17 20:42:48] emily_g: if you have a look at the geotools ShapefileDataStoreFactory
[2009-01-17 20:42:48] emily_g:
[2009-01-17 20:43:04] emily_g: above the declaration of the static liveStores variable
[2009-01-17 20:43:10] moovida: yep
[2009-01-17 20:43:19] emily_g: there is a big comment about how they are caching connections but probably shouldn't be
[2009-01-17 20:44:03] moovida: now that is odd
[2009-01-17 20:44:14] emily_g: I looked for somesort of reset or clear function but couldn't find one
[2009-01-17 20:44:27] moovida: that was my next question :)
[2009-01-17 20:44:36] moovida: no way to clean it
[2009-01-17 20:44:43] emily_g: a really back hack would be to change the parameters that are passed to it
[2009-01-17 20:46:00] moovida: hmm, I notice that it wasn't changed in the last 2 years
[2009-01-17 20:46:53] moovida: you mean add a parameter in order to take care of some kind of reset?
[2009-01-17 20:47:34] emily_g: well it look likes it reuses "connections" based on the parameters passed
[2009-01-17 20:48:20] emily_g: so if we had a different set of parameters each time we would get a new connection
[2009-01-17 20:48:22] moovida: yes, but there is no parameter which would leave a free choice
[2009-01-17 20:48:42] moovida: such as an id or something like that
[2009-01-17 20:48:54] emily_g: Could we not just make something up?
[2009-01-17 20:49:37] moovida: do you have already an idea?
[2009-01-17 20:50:35] emily_g: no; I think it's a bad idea. I think we would be better off asking the geotools community if we could have a clear function or a parameters in the constructor that specifies whether it looks in the cache or not
[2009-01-17 20:50:57] moovida: ok, I agree
[2009-01-17 20:51:21] moovida: but then we have to live with this in udig for now
[2009-01-17 20:51:25] moovida: hmmm
[2009-01-17 20:51:49] emily_g: is it a common problem?
[2009-01-17 20:52:05] moovida: what do you mean by common?
[2009-01-17 20:52:16] moovida: annoing?
[2009-01-17 20:52:20] emily_g: I can't image the average user would go around deleting index files and resetting the shapefile
[2009-01-17 20:52:34] moovida: no, the problem is not the removing
[2009-01-17 20:52:49] moovida: we were just removing to see if they are written
[2009-01-17 20:53:03] moovida: usually they should be overwritten
[2009-01-17 20:53:24] moovida: we often have to reset shapefiles, in order to not gain strange behaviours
[2009-01-17 20:53:47] moovida: and in this case we would have to remove from the catalog
[2009-01-17 20:53:48] emily_g: ahh okay that makes sense
[2009-01-17 20:53:54] moovida: remove the index files
[2009-01-17 20:53:58] moovida: and then reload
[2009-01-17 20:54:03] moovida: which in fact is annoing :)
[2009-01-17 20:54:11] moovida: instead the reset is good
[2009-01-17 20:54:13] emily_g: yes I agree
[2009-01-17 20:55:13] moovida: hmmm, let's put it on the sheet as Jody's breakfast present
[2009-01-17 20:55:18] moovida: what do you think?
[2009-01-17 20:56:48] emily_g: sounds good
[2009-01-17 20:57:58] emily_g: otherwise a bad hack that works is to add this line
[2009-01-17 20:58:09] emily_g: params.put("A Key", new Integer(uniqueid++));
[2009-01-17 20:58:25] emily_g: to the getDS method
[2009-01-17 20:59:02] emily_g: just inside the second try{; you'll also have to add a static uniqueid field
[2009-01-17 20:59:09] emily_g: to the class
[2009-01-17 21:00:42] moovida: hm, that would indeed work
[2009-01-17 21:01:16] moovida: honestly I would use it if we then remember to remove it :)
[2009-01-17 21:05:01] emily_g: if it solves really annoying bugs I agree; however I think it would also be good to leave it out for jody in case he can do something too
[2009-01-17 21:05:28] moovida: yes, absolutely
[2009-01-17 21:05:57] moovida: I think he said he would be online tomorrow
[2009-01-17 21:06:55] moovida: emily_g: what do you think about the legend refresh thing?
[2009-01-17 21:07:20] emily_g: what issue ?
[2009-01-17 21:07:31] moovida: If you change the style of a layer, the legend is not updated until a redraw is done
[2009-01-17 21:07:35] moovida: it is 45
[2009-01-17 21:07:44] moovida: but I now note that it is double
[2009-01-17 21:08:54] emily_g: actually; I updated udig and updated geotools and I had a bunch of compile errors; one in the legend Mapgraphic class
[2009-01-17 21:09:13] emily_g: do you guys get these errors too or is this just something I am getting?
[2009-01-17 21:09:33] moovida: let me do some updates
[2009-01-17 21:09:35] moovida: second
[2009-01-17 21:11:12] moovida: udig updated
[2009-01-17 21:11:49] moovida: building
[2009-01-17 21:13:13] silli: hi all, I am back...
[2009-01-17 21:13:20] moovida: and the errors are coming
[2009-01-17 21:13:24] moovida: hi silli
[2009-01-17 21:13:29] moovida: I didn't mean you
[2009-01-17 21:13:45] moovida: I am building and as emily_g, I get errors
[2009-01-17 21:13:53] silli: :) it seemed
[2009-01-17 21:14:07] moovida: yes, I thought that it could seem
[2009-01-17 21:14:08] moovida: :)
[2009-01-17 21:14:27] moovida: I amsure mauricio was also thinking it :D
[2009-01-17 21:14:34] silli: mauricio: from today you are my new hero....
[2009-01-17 21:14:39] silli: :)
[2009-01-17 21:14:47] mauricio: haha
[2009-01-17 21:14:48] emily_g: I suspect there is no link between the lengend and the map layers; so when a layer changes it only re-renders the layer not the mapgraphic layer as well
[2009-01-17 21:15:03] silli: probably... but he is not the only one I think :P
[2009-01-17 21:15:03] mauricio: the rendere is killing me
[2009-01-17 21:15:50] moovida: emily_g: yes, I am pretty sure about that
[2009-01-17 21:16:14] moovida: should we trigger that on purpose from the style editor?
[2009-01-17 21:16:52] emily_g: thinking ...
[2009-01-17 21:17:07] moovida: I also have compilation problems
[2009-01-17 21:17:27] moovida: that can mean only what I thought: Jody's deploy of geotools failed
[2009-01-17 21:17:38] moovida: and we do not have his changes
[2009-01-17 21:17:42] moovida: in libs
[2009-01-17 21:18:25] emily_g: I think maybe some of the geotools classes regarding label caches have changed; is that what jody was working on?
[2009-01-17 21:18:37] moovida: yes
[2009-01-17 21:18:44] moovida: his changes are missing
[2009-01-17 21:18:52] emily_g: fun :)
[2009-01-17 21:18:56] moovida: // reserve this area free of labels!
[2009-01-17 21:18:56] moovida: context.getLabelPainter().put( outline );
[2009-01-17 21:19:06] moovida: this gives an error
[2009-01-17 21:19:11] moovida: and it was Jody
[2009-01-17 21:19:20] moovida: he pasted some code in IRC before he left
[2009-01-17 21:19:30] emily_g: another item for his breakfast plate :)
[2009-01-17 21:19:44] moovida: :) that will be a heavy breakfast
[2009-01-17 21:20:01] moovida: silli: that is also why his changes diodn't work
[2009-01-17 21:20:11] moovida: we didn't have his changes
[2009-01-17 21:21:00] silli: :)
[2009-01-17 21:21:05] emily_g: about the legend thing - I'm wondering if there is some way we can add a listener to the renderer so when I style changes it get re-rendered automatically
[2009-01-17 21:21:13] silli: he told me he was deploying before leaving the office
[2009-01-17 21:21:23] emily_g: I'm just not sure where or how that would fit in
[2009-01-17 21:21:38] moovida: emily_g: yes, we will have to think about it
[2009-01-17 21:21:44] moovida: it is marked as minor issue
[2009-01-17 21:21:59] moovida: so we will do if time is left at some point
[2009-01-17 21:22:09] silli: wait how should I mark the editing as prior issue?
[2009-01-17 21:22:16] silli: I missed something
[2009-01-17 21:22:25] moovida: no, no silli
[2009-01-17 21:22:43] moovida: just today everyone agreed that the legend refresh is a minor problem
[2009-01-17 21:22:51] silli: me too!
[2009-01-17 21:22:59] silli: I just added my comment on that
[2009-01-17 21:23:03] moovida: now the heaviest problems are in mauricios hands
[2009-01-17 21:23:24] moovida: I feel
[2009-01-17 21:23:33] silli: :D don't give him such responsabilities... he has to be concentrated
[2009-01-17 21:23:48] silli: and I have to buy two bottles of good wine for him... :)
[2009-01-17 21:24:12] silli: at this point one is not enough
[2009-01-17 21:24:33] moovida: emily_g: what are you working on right now? we started ten issues and don't know how/if to solve them :)
[2009-01-17 21:25:03] emily_g: I was thinking about label issues with the tiled renderer but that was about it
[2009-01-17 21:25:11] emily_g: I don't have a lot of time; I have to run away soon :(
[2009-01-17 21:25:22] moovida: ok, no problem
[2009-01-17 21:25:34] silli: so what can I do to help you guys?
[2009-01-17 21:25:47] moovida: I mark the legend and the reset as red to be discussed with Jody
[2009-01-17 21:25:49] emily_g: if you have any other rendering questions I might be able to help out
[2009-01-17 21:25:58] silli: probably don't bother all with my bugs would be a good thing...
[2009-01-17 21:27:19] moovida: :) silli: I think for now we can't supply you with new plugins
[2009-01-17 21:27:43] moovida: you should take the chance and go out and have fun
[2009-01-17 21:28:42] moovida: rendering questions?
[2009-01-17 21:29:01] silli: I think it would be better if I go sleeping... tomorrow will wake up at 5 in the morning
[2009-01-17 21:29:06] moovida: I ask you quickly
[2009-01-17 21:29:15] moovida: issue 36
[2009-01-17 21:29:22] moovida: filed by you
[2009-01-17 21:29:28] moovida: is this still open, right
[2009-01-17 21:29:29] silli: the fucking walk
[2009-01-17 21:29:33] silli: a moment
[2009-01-17 21:29:41] * moovida thinks silli should really take some sleep then
[2009-01-17 21:31:33] silli: wow
[2009-01-17 21:31:35] silli: so
[2009-01-17 21:31:46] silli: things seems to be complicated...
[2009-01-17 21:31:55] silli: do you really want to know them???!!!
[2009-01-17 21:32:21] moovida: oh, I was asking emily_g
[2009-01-17 21:32:28] moovida: since she wrote the report
[2009-01-17 21:32:37] silli: sorry I can wait
[2009-01-17 21:32:38] moovida: :) I didn't understand what was going on
[2009-01-17 21:32:46] emily_g: yes it is still open
[2009-01-17 21:32:48] moovida: I am confused, sorry
[2009-01-17 21:32:52] silli: you asked me to try it
[2009-01-17 21:33:10] moovida: to try what?
[2009-01-17 21:33:12] silli: but for me it is different from the description of emily_g
[2009-01-17 21:33:13] emily_g: I know why it happens; but I'm not totally sure the best way to fix it
[2009-01-17 21:33:19] moovida: aha, really
[2009-01-17 21:33:29] moovida: that is fun
[2009-01-17 21:33:37] emily_g: labelling and mapgraphics won't work with the tile rendering system
[2009-01-17 21:33:52] silli: emily_g: in my pc labels works fine but only if I have simple stile, not with themes
[2009-01-17 21:34:16] emily_g: interesting ...
[2009-01-17 21:34:22] silli: if I have themes and labels the map will not be visualized and I can see only the labels
[2009-01-17 21:34:38] silli: but all not depending on the emisphere
[2009-01-17 21:35:13] emily_g: fun
[2009-01-17 21:37:37] silli: fun is that now the labels are not drawn when the layer is not visible, as occured before
[2009-01-17 21:37:57] silli: before what I don't know... but yesterday I had the labels problem
[2009-01-17 21:38:33] emily_g: Ya,I don't expect the labels to work in any consistent way with the tiled rendering system
[2009-01-17 21:38:55] emily_g: I had one such case the other day when everytime I refreshed the map I got a different set of labels in the wrong places :)
[2009-01-17 21:39:39] emily_g: There is only one labelcache for the entire map and each tile is using it whenever it needs it which is causing a problem. I think I'll will have to change it so that there is a single labelcache for each tile.
[2009-01-17 21:40:34] silli: could be a solution...
[2009-01-17 21:41:09] silli: hei guys... I found an other problem
[2009-01-17 21:41:42] silli: probably related to rendering and geotools -> think this is for jgarnett1 breakfast too
[2009-01-17 21:41:59] silli: I will add to the spreadsheet
[2009-01-17 21:44:28] * moovida is not sure if he should try to solve teh errors or call it the day and start again tomorrow
[2009-01-17 21:45:06] moovida: silli: issue 17 is related to postgis?
[2009-01-17 21:45:10] silli: I am pretty sure we are all tired
[2009-01-17 21:45:19] silli: should take a look
[2009-01-17 21:45:40] moovida: Yes, and tomorrow is another day
[2009-01-17 21:46:06] silli: yes
[2009-01-17 21:46:13] silli: but what the fucking hell...
[2009-01-17 21:46:18] silli: grrrr
[2009-01-17 21:46:25] moovida: what's up?
[2009-01-17 21:46:38] silli: did you solve the problem with Next in the panels
[2009-01-17 21:46:55] moovida: no, Jesse escaped before we could talk about it today
[2009-01-17 21:47:01] emily_g: I'm sorry but I have to run away
[2009-01-17 21:47:08] moovida: ok, ciao emily_g
[2009-01-17 21:47:14] silli: the db import is related to postgis but now it works
[2009-01-17 21:47:15] silli: ciao emily_g
[2009-01-17 21:47:18] emily_g: good luck bug squishing
[2009-01-17 21:47:31] moovida: thanks, I guess I will go on tomorrow though
[2009-01-17 21:47:48] moovida: silli: then we mark it green
[2009-01-17 21:48:10] silli: yes
[2009-01-17 21:48:12] silli: dai
[2009-01-17 21:48:28] moovida: bug 32
[2009-01-17 21:48:37] moovida: copy content
[2009-01-17 21:48:57] silli: not a silli's bug...
[2009-01-17 21:49:06] silli: copy content did not tried now
[2009-01-17 21:49:08] silli: wait
[2009-01-17 21:49:08] moovida: you copy from one layer add it to another?
[2009-01-17 21:49:21] moovida: you are defined as reporter
[2009-01-17 21:50:33] silli: reporter of what?
[2009-01-17 21:50:42] silli: copy and paste do not work
[2009-01-17 21:50:45] moovida: of the bug
[2009-01-17 21:50:48] moovida: argh, after the update of Jody's stuff
[2009-01-17 21:50:55] moovida: my udig doesn't work any more
[2009-01-17 21:51:07] moovida: I need the new geotools or revert the update
[2009-01-17 21:51:12] silli: :D time to go to sleep
[2009-01-17 21:51:21] silli: but I checke right now
[2009-01-17 21:51:23] moovida: yes, I have enough for today
[2009-01-17 21:51:38] moovida: mauricio: what about you?
[2009-01-17 21:51:42] silli: bug 32 is not one of mine and I am not signed as reporter
[2009-01-17 21:51:53] moovida: silli: you are right
[2009-01-17 21:51:56] moovida: sorry
[2009-01-17 21:52:02] moovida: bug 30 I meant
[2009-01-17 21:52:04] moovida: :D
[2009-01-17 21:52:21] silli: this is still open an nobody want it
[2009-01-17 21:52:44] moovida: yes, you select shapes and want to copy theminto another layer?
[2009-01-17 21:52:53] silli: yes
[2009-01-17 21:52:55] moovida: and it says it copies
[2009-01-17 21:52:58] silli: copy and paste
[2009-01-17 21:53:00] moovida: but it doesn't, right
[2009-01-17 21:53:05] mauricio: sorry
[2009-01-17 21:53:05] silli: no it says nothing
[2009-01-17 21:53:19] silli: hey mauricio
[2009-01-17 21:53:24] moovida: ok, tomorrow I will look at that
[2009-01-17 21:53:32] silli: great
[2009-01-17 21:53:49] silli: unfortunately tomorrow I will be on line only in the afternoon
[2009-01-17 21:53:53] mauricio: yes
[2009-01-17 21:54:07] mauricio: i go out too
[2009-01-17 21:54:09] moovida: ok, that is good, you will find a great udig :)
[2009-01-17 21:54:19] silli: but if you collect the changes and do the plugins I will try them
[2009-01-17 21:54:26] silli: hope so
[2009-01-17 21:54:31] silli: :P
[2009-01-17 21:54:39] moovida: good heroes
[2009-01-17 21:54:48] silli: all depends on moovida, mauricio and jgarnett1
[2009-01-17 21:55:00] silli: ciaoooooo
[2009-01-17 21:55:12] moovida: :) ciao, I will post the logs
[2009-01-17 21:55:12] mauricio: ciao friends!
[2009-01-17 21:55:25] moovida: ciao mauricio, thanks for being here today
[2009-01-17 21:55:34] moovida: been good to be some of us
[2009-01-17 21:55:44] moovida: ciao all
[2009-01-17 21:55:47] mauricio: bad day for me
[2009-01-17 21:55:52] moovida: yes?
[2009-01-17 21:55:54] mauricio: render 1 mauricio 0
[2009-01-17 21:56:01] moovida: argh!!
[2009-01-17 21:56:15] moovida: that happens when you chose the most complicated bugs
[2009-01-17 21:56:17] silli: :D
[2009-01-17 21:56:18] moovida: :)
[2009-01-17 21:56:34] moovida: you will not be here tomorrow, right?
[2009-01-17 21:56:59] mauricio: probably no
[2009-01-17 21:57:00] moovida: when do you plan to do renderer 1 mauricio 1
[2009-01-17 21:57:06] moovida: and renderer 1 mauricio 2
[2009-01-17 21:57:14] moovida: :)
[2009-01-17 21:57:20] mauricio: I :)
[2009-01-17 21:57:31] moovida: well, if you stop by you will find me for sure in the morning
[2009-01-17 21:57:40] moovida: and some part of the afternoon
[2009-01-17 21:57:50] moovida: I hope to stop at some point :)
[2009-01-17 21:58:00] mauricio: good
[2009-01-17 21:58:13] moovida: ladies and gentlemen, it's been a pleasure
[2009-01-17 21:58:18] moovida: nighty night
[2009-01-17 21:58:18] silli: good night
[2009-01-17 21:58:27] mauricio: probably I will work a couple of hours
[2009-01-17 21:58:36] mauricio: but not all day
[2009-01-17 21:58:45] mauricio: night
[2009-01-17 21:58:51] * moovida thinks that it is a good idea
[2009-01-17 21:58:55] moovida: ciao


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